Dr Joshua Bowden

Research Software Engineer

Contact details

IRISA / Inria Rennes – Bretagne Atlantique
Office: D172
Campus Universitaire de Beaulieu
35042, Rennes, France

Phone: +33 2 99 84 25 23
E-mail: joshua-charles.bowden at inria.fr

Professional Interests

  • Parallel methods in computing for high performance computing (HPC)
  • Code performance and profiling tools and optimization methods
  • Software engineering tools and processes for HPC systems

Short Bio

Josh is currently working as a Research Engineer supporting the Damaris library and he has activities in this area with PRACE and EuroHPC ACROSS projects. Josh has a background in materials science, and completed a PhD in 2007 from the University of South Australia. He has had an ongoing interest in scientific computation and visualization and has post-graduate certificates in object oriented programming and information technology. He has worked as a research assistant in bio-materials research at the Queensland University of Technology and he completed a 3 year post-doctoral position at CSIRO Materials Science and Engineering. This work involved development of data analytic methods for high throughput data (x-ray diffraction and densitometry, near infra-red reflectance) taken of wood cores by the SilviScan instrument. This project is where he developed skills in HPC methods and programming of GPUs using OpenCL. From 2010-2020 he worked as a research software engineer within the Scientific Computing group at CSIRO, where he worked on multiple projects that focused on porting, profiling and optimization of users code and user support for HPC systems.


A list of publications can be found on Google Scholar.


Damaris:  Damaris is an I/O middleware library developed within the KerData team. It enables asynchronous data and in-situ visualization methods in large scale MPI based computations.


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