(Photo taken in June 2019 during our joint doctoral symposium with the Spatial Media team from ENSADLAB.)
Permanent & associate researchers
- Rémi Ronfard (team leader)
- Mélina Skouras
- Stefanie Hahmann
- Olivier Palombi
PhD students
Administrative assistant
- Marion Ponsot
External collaborators
- Marie-Paule Cani (Ecole polytechnique)
- Damien Rohmer (Ecole polytechnique)
Former Member and Alumni
- Léo Allemand-Giorgis (PhD Student)
- Armelle Bauer (PhD Student)
- Adela Barbulescu (PhD Student, Post Doc)
- Maguelonne Beaud de Brive (Engineer)
- Antoine Begault (Engineer)
- Adrien Bernhardt (PhD Student)
- Catherine Bessière (Administrative Assistant)
- Laurent Boiron (Engineer)
- Guillaume Bousquet (PhD Student)
- Flavien Boussuge (PhD Student)
- Maxime Borettaz (Engineer)
- Romain Bregier (PhD student)
- Rémi Brouet (PhD Student)
- Olivier Carré (Engineer)
- Sanie Claraz (Adminsitrative Assistant)
- Guillaume Cordonnier (PhD student)
- Pablo Coves (PhD Student)
- Estelle Charleroy (Graphic Artist)
- Thomas Delame (Post Doc)
- Ali Hamadi Dicko (PhD Student)
- Aurélie Degletagne (Engineer)
- Frédéric Devernay (Researcher)
- Vincent Douchez (Engineer)
- Thomas Dupeux (Engineer)
- Marie Durand (PhD Student)
- Arnaud Emilien (PhD Student)
- Even Entem (PhD Student)
- Francois Faure (Professor)
- Amélie Fondevilla (PhD student)
- Quentin Galvane (PhD Student)
- Vineet Gandhi (PhD Student)
- Maxime Garcia (PhD student)
- Alexandre Gauthier-Foichat (Engineer)
- Michael Gleicher (Visiting Professor)
- Martin Guay (PhD Student)
- Geoffrey Guingo (PhD student)
- Aarohi Johal (PhD Student)
- Amaury Jung (Engineer)
- Kevin Jordao (Visiting PhD Student)
- Chen Kim Lim (PhD Student)
- Galel Koraa (Engineer)
- Seou Ling Ng (Visiting PhD Student)
- Thomas Lemaire (Engineer)
- Jean-Claude Léon (Professor)
- Christophe Lino (Post Doc)
- Richard Malgat (PhD Student)
- Pierre-Luc Manteaux (PhD Student)
- Cyrille Migniot (Post Doc)
- Sandra Nabil (PhD student)
- Matthieu Nesme (Engineer)
- Grégoire Nieto (PhD Student)
- Florence Polge (Administrative Assistant)
- Maxime Quiblier (Engineer)
- Iñigo Rodriguez (PhD Student)
- Robin Roussel (PhD student)
- Laura Paiardini (Graphic Artist)
- Bui Huu Phuoc (PhD Student)
- Ahmad Shahwan (PhD Student)
- Tibor Stanko (PhD Student)
- Lucian Stanculescu (PhD Student)
- Romain Testylier (Engineer)
- Moreno Trlin (Engineer)
- Camille Schreck (PhD Student)
- Harold Vilmart (Engineer)
- Ulysse Vimont (PhD Student)
- Cédric Zanni (PhD Student, Post Doc)