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Research Projects





SCENOPTIQUE (2011-2014) was a collaborative research project by Theatre des Celestins in Lyon and Inria Rhone Alpes in Grenoble, whose goal was to design new  video production and post-production tools for live theatre performances and rehearsals. SCENOPTIQUE was funded by Region Rhone Alpes as part of its CIBLE program.


ACTION3DS is a collaborative research project funded by the French government as part of its « investissement d’avenir » program. The IMAGINE team for this project was composed of Remi Ronfard, Laurent Boiron, Inigo Rodriguez, and Christophe Lino. The contribution of IMAGINE focused on the design and implementation of a novel pre-vizualization toolset dedicated to stereoscopic …


CHROME CHROME was a collaborative project funded by ANR (Agence Nationale pour la Recherche) from October 2013 to September 2015. The IMAGINE team for this project was composed of Remi Ronfard,Marie-Paule Cani, Quentin Galvane, Kevin Jordao, and Chen-Kim Lim. One work item in the CHROME project was to design and implement novel tools for cinematography …


SPECTACLENLIGNES (2013-2015) was a collaborative project funded by ANR CORPUS SHS from January 2013 to December 2014. The goal of the projective was to build an extensive corpus of video recordings of theatre and opera rehearsals. The project included research  work in video capture, indexing, and annotation for the semantic web. Learn more about the …