Category: News

PhD defense

Pavel Tokmakov (Thoth, now at CMU) will defend his thesis on 4th June.

PAISS 2018: Speakers

Martial Hebert and Jean Ponce will be speaking at PAISS, the summer school in Grenoble, in July.


Pavel Tokmakov (Thoth) has started a postdoc position with Abhinav Gupta, Martial Hebert and Deva Ramanan at CMU.

PAISS 2018: Summer school in Grenoble

Karteek Alahari, Jean Ponce and Cordelia Schmid are co-organizing PAISS, an AI summer school in Grenoble, 2-6 July.

Inria visit

Gunnar Sigurdsson (PhD student, CMU) will be spending 4 months at Inria Grenoble (Aug – Nov).

CMU visit

Jean Ponce is visiting CMU 17 – 20 April.

CVPR Program Co-chair

Deva Ramanan is the program co-chair of CVPR 2018.

CMU visit

Jean Ponce will be visiting CMU in October.

Thesis jury

Martial Hebert is a reviewer for Philippe Weinzaepfel’s PhD Thesis, co-supervised by Zaid Harchaoui and Cordelia Schmid in the Thoth project-team. The defense is scheduled for 23rd September.

CMU visit

Karteek Alahari will be visiting CMU in July.