Author's posts

CMU visit

Jean Ponce will be visiting CMU 17-18 December.

PhD defense

Martial Hebert (CMU) is a reviewer for Nikita Dvornik’s PhD defense in November.

PhD proposal defense

Karteek Alahari will be an external examiner for the PhD proposal defense of Allie Del Giorno (PhD student, CMU).

Summer school

Martial Hebert (CMU) will be teaching at the summer school PAISS in October 2019.

Inria visit

Pavel Tokmakov  (CMU) will be spending July and August at Inria Grenoble.

Team renewal

The associate team has been renewed, with additional participants.

Inria visit

Gunnar Sigurdsson (PhD student, CMU) will be spending 2 months at Inria Grenoble.

Inria visit

Deva Ramanan is one of the examiners for Karteek Alahari’s HDR. He will also participate in the workshop organized on 28 – 29 January in Grenoble.

CMU visit

Jean Ponce will visit CMU 2 – 5 December.

CMU visit

Karteek Alahari will visit CMU in August.