


Hexotic is an automated all-hex mesh generator based on the octree method.
It takes a triangulated surface mesh as input and generates a volume hexahedral mesh and a quadrilateral surface mesh that captures the input geometry but not its topology.
It’s main features are:

  • Fully automated: it does not require any knowledge on meshing from the user’s part
  • Generates only valid meshes: no negative volume elements
  • Generates conformal hexahedra: no hanging nodes
  • It Meshes volume and boundary together
  • Adaptive meshing capability
  • Boundary layers insertion for CFD: wedge ending, imprinting and cross-imprinting
  • Handles multiple sub-domains
  • Sharp features like ridges and corners are accurately meshed or automatically rounded off if they are too sharp to generate valid elements
  • Fast: 10 million elements per minute on a 6-core 3.50 GHz Xeon E5 cpu
  • Even faster ! It takes advantage of any OpenCL compatible GPUs (Intel, Nvidia, AMD)


It is a simple command line tool: hexotic -in input_mesh -out output_mesh
With some straightworward controling options:

  • Input is a triangulated surface used as geometric support
  • Output is a hex volume mesh and a quad surface
  • Optional arguments provide control over many capabilities such as:
  • Elements min & max sizes
  • Sharp features threshold angle
  • Number and size of boundary layers for each surface material index
  • Subdomains recovering scheme: inside-out, nested subdomains, non-manifold


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