Thierry Spetebroot




  • Quality of Experience Factory (QoEF): a Python framework for controlled experimentation and QoE measurement.
  • ACQUA: an Android application to see how your connectivity affects your applications and their QoE.


  • An ontology-based approach for the instrumentation, control and automation infrastructure of a WWTP, Sottara D., Correale J.C., Spetebroot T., Pulcini D., Giunchi D., Paolucci F., Luccarini L.
    in Proceedings of the 7th Int. Congress on Env. Modelling and Software (iEMS), 2014.
  • From network-level measurements to expected Quality of Experience: the Skype use case, T. Spetebroot, S. Afra, N. Aguilera, D. Saucez, C. Barakat, in Proc. of IEEE International Workshop on Measurements & Networking (M&N), 2015.
  • On active sampling of controlled experiments for QoE modeling, M. Khokhar, N. Saber, T. Spetebroot, C. Barakat
    at 2nd Workshop on QoE-based Analysis and Management of Data Communication Networks.
    ACM SIGCOMM, 2017.

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