Daniele C. Corti

Daniele C. Corti

Ph.D. student in Applied MathematicsLJLL – Sorbonne Université

Supervised by Miguel A. Fernández, Guillaume Delay, Fabien Vergnet and Marina Vidrascu.

  • Thesis project: Modeling and numerical simulation of the mitral apparatus.
  • Address: Bureau A316
    Centre de Recherche Inria de Paris
    2 rue Simone Iff
    CS 42112
    75589 Paris Cedex 12
  • e-mail: daniele.corti@inria.fr
Research interests
Fluid-structure interaction, mathematical modelling, development and analysis of numerical methods, scientific computing
Short CV
  • 2018-2020: R&D Engineer, Commedia and Gamma project teams, Inria. Advanced numerical methods for 3D simulation of elastic structures immersed in a fluid.
  • 2018: M.Sc. Mathematical Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Italy. Master in Computational Models in Electronics and Biomathematics.
  • 2015: B.Sc. Mathematical Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Italy.

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