Most of the scientific objectives of COMMEDIA require the development and validation of appropriate scientific computing software tools. We list below the current main software developments in which the members of COMMEDIA are involved:
- FELiScE is a parallel finite element library written in C++. The parallel data structure and the (linear and non-linear) solvers are based on the PETSc package. Originally developed in the frame- work of a collaboration between the M3DISIM and REO project-teams, the main purpose of this package is to provide an unified software environment for all the state-of-the-art tools required for the simulation of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, that is, fluid and solid mechanics, electrophysiology, and the various associated coupling phenomena, such as fluid-structure interaction.
- DCIMaL is a Python and C++ software for safety pharmacology studies and particularly field potentials signals measured with micro-electrode array (MEA). The software includes a solver for field potential simulations and a dictionary of entries corresponding to features which can be ex- tracted from real or simulated potential signals. It also includes an algorithm for drug classification (channel blockade or torsadogenic risk) and a tool for estimating ion channel activity (based on the CMAES library).