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COMMEDIA seminar “au vert”, March 2023


COMMEDIA is a common project-team linked to the following research institutions: Inria, CNRS and Sorbonne Université (Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, UMR 7598).

The research activity of COMMEDIA focuses on the numerical simulation of bio-fluid flows in the human body, more specifically, blood flows in the cardiovascular system and air flows in the respiratory system. These simulations are intended to complement available clinical data with the following purpose: help clinicians or bio-engineers to enhance the understanding of physiological phenomena, to improve diagnosis and therapy planning or to optimize medical devices. The main objectives of COMMEDIA are the following:

  • the development of appropriate mathematical models and efficient numerical methods for the simulations and for the interaction of simulations with measured data;
  • the mathematical analysis of these models and numerical techniques;
  • the development and validation of scientific computing software which implements these numerical techniques.

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