BDA 2024:  three papers and three demonstrations accepted

The following articles and demonstrations have been accepted for publication at BDA 2024:   “Efficient Crawler for Scalable Web Data Acquisition” 
By Antoine Gauquier, Ioana Manolescu, Pierre Senellart

“Un cadre visuel unifié pour l’exploration des données (semi) structurées” (short paper) 
By Theo Bouganim, Ioana Manolescu, Emmanuel Pietriga

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MediumAI: Associated team between CEDAR and CWI team Human-Centered Data Analytics

The Inria Associated Team MediumAI was accepted! We will start  a 3 year collaboration project (called Inria Associated Team) with the CWI team, Human-Centered Data Analytics:

We will be working together on evaluating types of bias and limitations prevalent in AI-based journalistic tools.

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