Lecture Prof. Emerson Fachin-Martins – April 1st 10am

Friday, April 1st – 10:00 – BAT5-3/124
Possibilities to scientific cooperation between Brazil and France: a strategy to exchange knowledge and collaboration to find technologic solutions to rehabilitation
Professor Emerson Fachin-Martins, PhD

Professor Fachin-Martins has a major degree in Physical Therapy and obtained his PhD in Neuroscience and Behaviour.
Since 2008, he had a key position in the University of Brasilia to implement a project that involved the creation of the university course in Physical Therapy and the PhD program in Health Sciences and Technologies.
At University of Brasilia, professor Fachin-Martins lead a group of experts to establish a multiprofessional Research and Development Centre in Assistive Technologies, the NTAAI.
In February 2016, in cooperation with Christine Azevedo Coste, they became associate teams by mean of the project Lower limb electrical stimulation for function restoration within CACAO team.
In this lecture, he will present the on-going research projects and partnerships, discussing possibilities to scientific cooperation.

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