Jérôme Emonet

Emonet Jérôme
Phd Candidate, Biovision team, Inria, Université Côte d’Azur

mail : jerome.emonet@inria.fr

Since october 2020, I am a PhD student in the Biovision Team at INRIA Sophia Antipolis. My thesis is supervised by Dr. Bruno Cessac and Dr. Alain Destexhe from NeuroPsi institute in Paris. Its subject is on “A computational model of the retino-thalamo-cortical pathway”.

My work is to understand how movement is processed in the visual pathway. To do so, I have to discriminate the respectives roles of retinal and cortical network in movement anticipation and analysis. I also investigate the impact of 1440 Hz stimuli on retinal or cortical activity. In Psychophysics, this kind of stimuli allow to reproduice eyes saccades without eyes movement. The last objective of my work is to search the role of the thalamus in both these subjects.

For these purposes, we are using computational modeling of retino-cortical pathway. The validity of this model had been tested on biological results. Retinal results are coming from electrophysiological experiments directed by Dr. Olivier Marre’s team from the Vision Institute in Paris. Cortical results are voltage dye sensitive imaging realised in Dr.Frederic Chavane’s team from Timone Institute of Neurosciences in Marseille.

This retino-cortical model is generated with macular, a software created by Biovision team in collaboration with INRIA engineers. Macular allow to modelize differents layers corresponding to retinal layers or primary visual cortex. It can then simulate the activation of this layer by a visual stimulus.
Each macular layers is composed of cells containing states variables which evolves depending a system of equations. Layers can then be connected together by synapses with given caracteristics as delay or weight.


Fellowships :

  • 3 years PhD scholarship attributed for ANR “Shooting Star” (2021-2024).

Background :

  • MSc in Biology, Informatic and Mathematic in Université Côte d’Azur., France.
  • MSc in Neurosciences in Université de Bordeaux.

Teaching :

  • Informatic introduction (Tutorial assistant), 2nd year BSc Biology, Université Côte d’Azur.
  • Python programming and linux environment (Tutorial assistant), 3nd year BSc Biology, Université Côte d’Azur.
  • Biostatistics (Tutorial assistant), 3nd year BSc Biology, Université Côte d’Azur.


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