Dora Karvouniari

Dora Karvouniari
PhD Candidate, Biovision team, Inria, Université Côte d’Azur

I am a PhD student at Biovision team, Inria Sophia Antipolis, supervised by Dr. Bruno Cessac on “Retinal waves: theory, numerics and experiments” in collaboration with Vision Institute in Paris with Dr. Olivier Marre and Dr. Serge Picaud and INPHYNI with Dr. Lionel Gil. My research combines biophysical modelling and nonlinear dynamical systems theory to help the understanding of the cellular mechanisms generating retinal waves during development. My main goal is to work at the interface of modelling and experiments in order to work towards new principles governing neural networks. My dream is to use my theoretical work in order to contribute to therapeutic solutions potentially helping patients!
Email: theodora.karvouniari at



Under preparation
  • Dora Karvouniari, Lionel Gil, Olivier Marre, Serge Picaud, Bruno Cessac, Understanding the mechanisms of retinal waves

Organisation of Conferences and Seminars



  • PhD in Computational Neuroscience “Retinal waves: theory, numerics, experiements” , Biovision team, Inria in collaboration with Vision Institute, Paris
  • MSc in Computational Biology and Biomedicine, (Biology-Informatics-Mathematics), Université Côte d’Azur, France
  • Diplome in Physics, National University of Athens, Greece


  • Digital transmissions (M2108), Department of Networks and Telecommunications, Université Côte d’Azur (since 2014)


  • Evgenia Kartsaki, Master student in Computational Biology and Biomedicine, semester project co-supervision (2016-2017)
  • Jelena Mladenovic, Master student in Computational Biology and Biomedicine, semester project co-supervision (2015-2016)

Communication of science to young students  (Useful links)

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