

Permanent researchers

Project assistant


PhD students

Masters & internships

Invited professor

  • Qiyin Fang, McMaster University, Canada (one week in September 2012, one week in May 2013, one week in May 2014 and one week in June 2015)
  • Joseph Francos, Ben-Gurion University, Israel (one week in March and one week in July 2012)
  • Ian Jermyn, Durham University, UK (one week in July 2012 and one week in March 2013)
  • Zoltan Kato, Szeged University, Hungary (one week in July 2012, one month from mid-July till mi-August 2013 and one month from mid-July till mi-August 2014)
  • Gregoire Mercier, Telecom Bretagne, Brest, France (one week in June 2013 and one week in October 2013)
  • Nataliya Zagorodna, Department of Computer Science, Ternopil Ivan Pul’uj Technical University, Ternopil, Ukraine (July 2012)

External collaborators

  • Zoltan Kato, Szeged University, Associate Professor and head of Department of Image Processing and Computer Graphics
  • Gabriele Moser, Genoa University, DITEN, Assistant Professor
  • Sebastiano Serpico, Genoa University, DITEN, Professor

Former project assistant

Former postdocs

Former PhD students

Former masters & internships