
The AROMATH seminar will usually happen on Tuesday at 10h30-11h30 every two weeks, except for a few deviations.
The presentations will typically take place at Inria Sophia Antipolis, Byron Blanc 106, and also online.
To join online, at or with a web browser at
use meeting ID: 828 5859 7791, passcode: 123

Category: General
Joseph Schicho -- Construction of Overconstrained Moving Graphs

6 March 2019

Given a a graph $G=(V,E)$ whose vertices are points in the plane and whose edges are straight line segments (crossings allowed), we ask whether it is possible to move the points in the plane so that all edge lengths are preserved. If $|E|<2|V|-3$, then the answer is yes for generic positions of the vertices. The topic of this talk is the case $|E|\geq 2|V|-2$; in order to be allow motion, the edge lengths have to satisfy algebraic conditions.

Josef Schicho (RICAM, Linz, Austria)

Salle Byron Blanc (Y106), Inria

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