The AROMATH seminar will usually happen on Tuesday at 10h30-11h30 every two weeks, except for a few deviations.
The presentations will typically take place at Inria Sophia Antipolis, Byron Blanc 106, and also online.
To join online, at or with a web browser at
use meeting ID: 828 5859 7791, passcode: 123
Konstantinos Gavriil - Optimizing B-spline surfaces for developability and paneling architectural freeform surfaces
30 May 2018
Motivated by applications from architecture and design, we present a novel optimization method for the problem of increasing the developability of an arbitrary surface. We base our method on the property that the Gauss image of a developable surface is 1-dimensional and can be locally well approximated by planar and thus circular Gauss images. A variation of the main method allows us to tackle the problem of paneling a freeform surface with (rotational) cylindrical, (rotational) conical and planar panels, which are the main preferred types of developable panels in architecture due to the reduced cost of manufacturing.
Konstantinos Gavriil (Evolute, Vienna, ARCADES fellow)