
The AROMATH seminar will usually happen on Tuesday at 10h30-11h30 every two weeks, except for a few deviations.
The presentations will typically take place at Inria Sophia Antipolis, Byron Blanc 106, and also online.
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use meeting ID: 828 5859 7791, passcode: 123

Events in September 2023–February 2024

  • - Hamid Hassanzadeh (Mathematics Institute, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro) -- An Algebraic Study of Bir(X)
    Hamid Hassanzadeh (Mathematics Institute, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro) -- An Algebraic Study of Bir(X)

    Category: General Hamid Hassanzadeh (Mathematics Institute, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro) -- An Algebraic Study of Bir(X)

    18 September 2023

    Let X be a projective variety. In this talk, we explain some of the difficulties of studying the group of birational maps over X  in comparison with those over \mathbb{P}^n.
    We define the concept of birational maps of clear polynomial degree d over an arbitrary projective variety.
    We show how to replace classical techniques such as the Jacobian criterion with commutative algebraic counterparts such as analytic spread  and Hilbert functions that provide facilities to study Bir(X) in full generality.
    We show that the loci of ideals in the principal class, ideals of grade at least two, and ideals of maximal analytic spread are Zariski open sets in the parameter space.
    As an application, we show that the set of birational maps of  clear polynomial degree d over an arbitrary projective variety X, denoted by Bir(X)_{d}, is a constructible set.
    This extends a previous result by Blanc and Furter.
    Salle Byron Blanc (Y106), Inria
  • - M. Jalard (AROMATH) - Computing an algebraically independant generating set for the invariant field of an SO3 representation, and applications
    M. Jalard (AROMATH) - Computing an algebraically independant generating set for the invariant field of an SO3 representation, and applications

    Category: General M. Jalard (AROMATH) - Computing an algebraically independant generating set for the invariant field of an SO3 representation, and applications

    23 October 2023

    Salle Byron Blanc (Y106), Inria
  • - K. Kozhasov (Université Côte d'Azur) - Real geometry of optimization problems related to tensors and polynomials
    K. Kozhasov (Université Côte d'Azur) - Real geometry of optimization problems related to tensors and polynomials

    Category: General K. Kozhasov (Université Côte d'Azur) - Real geometry of optimization problems related to tensors and polynomials

    7 November 2023

    Many applied optimization problems are often modeled via tensors and polynomials. For example, data compression or denoising can be cast as the problem of low-rank approximation of a matrix (more generally, a tensor). Finding the maximal cardinality of a stable set in a finite graph reduces to minimizing a multivariate polynomial over the Euclidean sphere. Understanding the structure of such optimization problems naturally leads to research questions in (real) algebraic geometry with interesting (and sometimes unexpected) connections to other fields.
    In the talk I will give a general overview of my research in this area presenting some of the techniques and ideas from algebraic/computational/convex/differential geometry, probability, harmonic analysis, approximation theory, etc.

    Euler Violet E006
  • - Tobias Metzlaff (TU Kaiserslautern) - Symplectic singularities and diagonal invariants
    Tobias Metzlaff (TU Kaiserslautern) - Symplectic singularities and diagonal invariants

    Category: General Tobias Metzlaff (TU Kaiserslautern) - Symplectic singularities and diagonal invariants

    9 November 2023

    Symplectic singularities were introduced by Beauville in 2000 to extend the notion of smoothness to the singular world of symplectic forms. Next to their intriguing geometric properties, they arise naturally in Lie theory, where they establish a link between commutative algebraic geometry and noncommutative representation theory. In this talk, I will highlight some computational aspects that boil down to the calculation of fundamental invariants for certain group actions, which are known due to Haiman as diagonal invariants.

    Salle Byron Blanc (Y106), Inria
  • - Michelangelo Marsala - PhD defense - Modeling, approximation and simulation using smooth splines on unstructured meshes
    Michelangelo Marsala - PhD defense - Modeling, approximation and simulation using smooth splines on unstructured meshes

    Category: General Michelangelo Marsala - PhD defense - Modeling, approximation and simulation using smooth splines on unstructured meshes

    15 December 2023

    Modeling, approximation and simulation using smooth splines on unstructured meshes

    Michelangelo Marsala


    In this thesis we investigate novel spline constructions over unstructured meshes to be applied for modeling purposes, approximation problems and in the numerical resolution of partial differential equations.

    Being able to describe accurately a complex shape is not an easy task in geometric modeling, and it becomes even harder if we need the result to be suitable for numerical simulations. This is the challenge which motivated the topic of this work: explore new spline constructions that have potential to reproduce faithfully complicated geometries and, at the same time, are suitable to run isogeometric analysis experiments.

    First we present the derivation of a globally G1 smooth family of surfaces, defined by smoothing masks, approximating the well-known Catmull-Clark subdivision surface scheme. The resulting surface is a collection of Bézier patches, which are biquintic and join with G1 smoothness around extraordinary vertices and bicubic elsewhere. Each Bézier point is computed using a locally defined mask which ensures, by means of quadratic gluing data, G1 regularity around extraordinary vertices of the corresponding patches.

    We continue with the description of a set of basis functions generating the space of biquintic G1 spline over a quadrangular mesh. The basis is represented in terms of biquintic Bézier polynomials on each quadrilateral face. Starting from the equation defining the G1 relations between two patches, achieved by quadratic gluing data functions, we perform an extraction procedure in order to obtain the values of the control point defining the different elements.

    The latter basis functions, due to their definition, turn out not to be analysis-suitable. Driven by this, we investigate a new construction of G1 spline basis functions with bidegree 5 suitable for isogeometric analysis simulations. The construction is made considering knot vectors composed of knots of multiplicity 5 and imposing C1 regularity at the inner part of the resulting patches. Similarly to the earlier case, the coefficients defining the different functions are obtained by an extraction technique plus knot insertion.

    The previous constructions are then used to solve two practical problems: the conversion of CAD models into smooth spline objects and the resolution of the shallow-water equation. The conversion is performed by fitting a point cloud representing a discretized model of the original CAD geometry, while the shallow-water equation is solved in the case of shallow lakes whose shape is faithfully approximated by a planar quad mesh.

    Lastly, we present the definition of three cubic C2 quasi-interpolation operators over arbitrary triangulations. The quasi-interpolants are locally generated by simplex spline basis functions defined on each triangle of the triangulation, which is subdivided according to the Wang-Shi split. The coefficients defining the operators in the simplex basis are computed easily by solving an Hermite problem, whose differential data is either given in input or reconstructed by using local cubic polynomials attached to the different features of the triangulation.



    • Carlotta GIANNELLI, Professor, Università di Firenze, Florence
    • Thomas TAKACS, Researcher, Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics, Linz


    • Carla MANNI, Professor Università di Roma "Tor Vergata", Rome
    • Giancarlo SANGALLI, Professor, Università di Pavia, Pavie


    • Angelos MANTZAFLARIS, Chargé de recherche, Inria d'Université Côte d'Azur, Sophia-Antipolis
    • Bernard MOURRAIN, Directeur de recherche, Inria d'Université Côte d'Azur, Sophia-Antipolis


    Euler Violet E006
  • - Pablo Gonzales-Mazon - PhD defense - Effective methods for multilinear birational transformations and contributions to polynomial data analysis
    Pablo Gonzales-Mazon - PhD defense - Effective methods for multilinear birational transformations and contributions to polynomial data analysis

    Category: General Pablo Gonzales-Mazon - PhD defense - Effective methods for multilinear birational transformations and contributions to polynomial data analysis

    19 December 2023

    Effective methods for multilinear birational transformations and contributions to polynomial data analysis

    Pablo Gonzales-Mazon


    This thesis explores two distinct subjects at the intersection of commutative algebra, algebraic geometry, multilinear algebra, and computer-aided geometric design:

    1. The study and effective construction of multilinear birational maps
    2. The extraction of information from measures and data using polynomials

    The primary and most extensive part of this work is devoted to multilinear birational maps.
    A multilinear birational map is a rational map $\phi: (\P^1)^n \dashrightarrow{} \P^n$, defined by multilinear polynomials, which admits an inverse rational map.
    Birational transformations between projective spaces have been a central theme in algebraic geometry, tracing back to the seminal works of Cremona, which has witnessed significant advancement in the last decades.
    Additionally, there has been a recent surge of interest in tensor-product birational maps, driven by the study of multiprojective spaces in commutative algebra and their practical application in computer-aided geometric design.

    In the first part, we address algebraic and geometric aspects of multilinear birational maps.
    We primarily focus on trilinear birational maps $\phi: (\P^1)^3 \dashrightarrow{} \P^3$, that we classify according to the algebraic structure of their space, base loci, and the minimal graded free resolutions of the ideal generated by the defining polynomials.
    Furthermore, we develop the first methods for constructing and manipulating nonlinear birational maps in 3D with sufficient flexibility for geometric modeling and design.
    Interestingly, we discover a characterization of birationality based on tensor rank, which yields effective constructions and opens the door to the application of tools from tensors to birationality.
    We also extend our results to multilinear birational maps in arbitrary dimension, in the case that there is a multilinear inverse.

    In the second part, our focus shifts to the application of polynomials in analyzing data and measures.
    We tackle two distinct problems.
    Firstly, we derive bounds for the size of $(1-\epsilon)$-nets for superlevel sets of real polynomials.
    Our results allow us to extend the classical centerpoint theorem to polynomial inequalities of higher degree.
    Secondly, we address the classification of real cylinders through five-point configurations where four points are cocyclic, i.e. they lie on a circumference.
    This is an instance of the more general problems of real root classification of systems of real polynomials and the extraction of algebraic primitives from raw data.

    Key words: birational map, multiprojective space, multilinear, syzygy, tensor, geometric modeling



    • Alicia DICKENSTEIN, Professor emeritus, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentine
    • Daniele FAENZI, Professor, Université de Bourgogne, France
    • Hal SCHENCK, Professor, Auburn University, Alabama, USA


    • Julie DÉSERTI, Professor, Université d’Orléans, France
    • Andreas HÖRING, Professor, Université Côte d’Azur, France
    • Sonia PÉREZ-DÍAZ, Professor, Universidad de Alcalá, Spain


    • Laurent BUSÉ, Research Director, Centre Inria d’Université Côte d’Azur, France
    Euler Violet E006
  • - Ayoub Belhachmi - PhD defense - An implicit Spline-based method with PDE-based regularization for the construction of complex geological models
    Ayoub Belhachmi - PhD defense - An implicit Spline-based method with PDE-based regularization for the construction of complex geological models

    Category: General Ayoub Belhachmi - PhD defense - An implicit Spline-based method with PDE-based regularization for the construction of complex geological models

    16 January 2024

    The construction of a geological numerical model is a key step in the study and exploration of the subsurface. These models are constructed from seismic or well data, which consist of data points associated with values corresponding to their geological ages. This task involves constructing an implicit function, known also as stratigraphic function, which interpolates this set of data points. Often the available data are sparse and noisy, which makes this task difficult, mainly for reservoirs where the geological structures are complex with distinct discontinuities and unconformities. To address this, the interpolation problem is typically supplemented with a regularization term that enforces a regular behaviour of the implicit function.

    In this thesis, we propose a new method to compute the stratigraphic function that represents geological layers in arbitrary settings. In this method, the data are interpolated by piecewise quadraticPowell-Sabin splines and the function can be regularized via many regularization energies. The method is discretized in finite elements on a triangular mesh conforming to the geological faults. Compared to classical interpolation methods, the use of piecewise quadratic splines has two major advantages. First, a better handling of stratigraphic surfaces with strong curvatures. Second, a reduction in mesh resolution, while generating surfaces of higher smoothness and regularity.

    The regularization of the function is the most difficult component of any implicit modeling approach. Often, classical methods produce inconsistent geological models, in particular for data with high thickness variation, and bubble effects are generally observed. To handle this problem, we introduce two new regularization energies that are linked to two fundamental PDEs, in their general form with spatially varying coefficients. These PDEs are the anisotropic diffusion equation and the equation that describes the bending of an anisotropic thin plate. In the first approach, the diffusion tensor is introduced and iteratively adapted to the variations and anisotropy of the data. In the second, the rigidity tensor is iteratively adapted to the variations and anisotropy in the data. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods in 2D, specifically on cross-sections of geological models with complex fault networks and thickness variations in the layers.

    Key words: Implicit modeling - Structural modeling - High thickness variations - Splines - anisotropic PDE - Interpolation.



    * Géraldine Morin, Professor, IRIT - N7 - Toulouse INP Université de Toulouse.
    * Guillaume Caumon, Professor, RING, ENSG-GeoRessources, Université de Lorraine.


    * Boniface Nkonga, Professor, Université Côte d’Azur (president of the jury)
    * Colin Daly, Doctor, SLB Schlumberger, Oilfield UK
    * Bernard Mourrain, Research Director, INRIA d’Université Côte d’Azur


    * Azeddine Benabbou, Doctor, SLB Schlumberger Services Pétroliers Montpellier

    Supervised by: Bernard Mourrain
    Co-supervised by: Azeddine Benabbou


    Euler Violet E006

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