Manolis Perrot, PhD student

Since 2021, I have started a PhD in the Airsea team (Inria & Lab. Jean Kuntzmann, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, France) under the supervision of Airsea team members Florian Lemarié and Eric Blayo. My current research is devoted to subgrid parameterization of convection in ocean numerical models.

Among various topics, I enjoy working on parameterizations in numerical models, small and large scale turbulence, stratified convection, stochastic modeling and geometric fluids mechanics.


I studied mathematics at Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris (Ulm), with minor in physics and climate sciences, and hold a master degree of pure mathematics from Sorbonne Université, Paris (Jussieu). A detailed cv (April 2023) can be found here.

Current Project

My PhD research is focused on subgrid parameterizations of deep convection for ocean numerical models. I mainly use the approach of eddy-diffusivity mass-flux (EDMF) schemes, which have been widely used for the modelling of atmospheric convection. The main objectives are:

  • to provide a rigorous way to derive an oceanic EDMF scheme from first principles, that allow to easily track approximations and ensure energetic consistency for both oceanic and atmospheric EDMF schemes (see preprint)
  • to include features specific of oceanic convection on EDMF schemes
  • to calibrate the models free parameters against Large Eddy Simulations (LES) and real oceanic observations. The calibration has the form of a Bayesian estimation of the probability distribution of the parameter.

I collaborate with Jean-Luc Redelsperger (LOPS, Brest) for LES simulations, Benjamin Zanger and Olivier Zahm (Airsea team) for the calibration part.

  • M. Perrot, F. Lemarié., T. Dubos Energetically consistent Eddy-Diffusivity Mass-Flux convective schemes. Part I: Theory and Models. 2024. (submitted, preprint)
  • M. Perrot, F. Lemarié. Energetically consistent Eddy-Diffusivity Mass-Flux schemes. Part II: implementation and evaluation in an oceanic context. 2024. (submitted, preprint)

Past Projects

Air-Sea fluxes for fluids under Location Uncertainty

During a year-long internship in 2020 at Airsea, I worked with Etienne Mémin (Inria Rennes), Eric Blayo and Florian Lemarié on the development of a parameterization of air-sea interactions. The goal was to derive a stratified law-of-the-wall using the “fluids under Location Uncertainty” (LU) framework. The LU is a stochastic PDE framework that allows to rigorously represent unresolved fluid motions as stochastic perturbations.
This work is still in progress.

Geometric fluid mechanics and stability of Zeitlin’s model

My master thesis was supervised by Klas Modin (Chalmers and Goteborg Univ., Sweden). I focused on the geometric formulation of fluid mechanics. We then worked on Zeitlin’s model, a spatial discretization of Euler equations on the sphere. This finite-dimensional model possess the striking property of preserving the Lie-Poisson structure and the Casimirs of the original system, in addition to the exact energy conservation. We proved that Zeitlin’s model asymptotically preserves Eulerian and Lagrangian stability properties of Euler equations.

ref: Modin, K. & Perrot, M. Eulerian and Lagrangian stability in Zeitlin’s model of hydrodynamics. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 405, 177 (2024).

Topological transitions in stratified fluids

In 2018, I did an internship at Physics Laboratory of ENS Lyon, supervised by Antoine Venaille and Pierre Delplace, at the cross-roads of geophysical fluids dynamics, condensed matter physics and differential topology. We related, in a physicist manner, the existence of atmospheric Lamb waves to peculiar topological properties (nontrivial Chern index) carried by acoustic and internal gravity waves . These nontrivial properties occur when mirror symmetry in vertical direction is broken by gravity and density stratification.

ref: Perrot, M., Delplace, P., & Venaille, A. (2019). Topological transition in stratified fluids. Nature Physics, 15(8), 781-784. (arxiv)

List of publications

  1. M. Perrot, F. Lemarié., T. Dubos. Energetically consistent Eddy-Diffusivity Mass-Flux convective schemes. Part I: Theory and Models. 2024. (submitted, preprint)
  2. M. Perrot, F. Lemarié. Energetically consistent Eddy-Diffusivity Mass-Flux schemes. Part II: implementation and evaluation in an oceanic context. 2024. (submitted, preprint)
  3. Modin, K. & Perrot, M. Eulerian and Lagrangian stability in Zeitlin’s model of hydrodynamics. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 405, 177 (2024).
  4. Perrot, M., Delplace, P., & Venaille, A. (2019). Topological transition in stratified fluids. Nature Physics, 15(8), 781-784. (arxiv)


I had the opportunity to teach linear algebra tutorials to second year students in engineering, in 2021 and 2022.


firstname.lastname [at] univ-grenoble-alpes [dot] fr

Office 196
Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann
Bâtiment IMAG
700 Avenue Centrale
38401 Saint Martin d’Hères France

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