Acumes team is developing the following software:
RoadNetwork python library
RoadNetwork is an object oriented python library dedicated to microscopic simulation of road traffic on networks … more details to come soon (code repository).
(left) The network (center) cars positions (right) cars density
IGLOO is a software suite for isogeometric simulations, relying on a NURBS-based Discontinuous-Galerkin method, towards a seamless CAD-analysis coupling.
It is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3 (code repository).
Tram-Opt platform
Tram-Opt is a prototype platform devoted to real-life testing and deployment of a novel traffic control Decision Support System (DSS) for road traffic management, including variable speed limits, ramp-metering and re-routing policies. This DSS is intended for public and private traffic managers to increase freeway network performances (e.g. congestion and pollution reduction)
MGDA Web Interface
This web portal allows online testing of the Multiple Gradient Descent Algorithm (MGDA), that is aimed at solving multi-objective optimization problems using directional derivative information. See