
The information revolution brings new possibilities related to the Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems in robotics, health monitoring, and transportation: everything becomes a sensor being sometimes equipped with the possibility of actuating its immediate neighborhood. Then natural questions appear: how to use this information about the environment, people, and society? Moreover, how to feedback it?

The Valse team studies the problems arising in the analysis of distributed, uncertain and interconnected dynamical systems, with the design of estimation and control algorithms using the concepts of finite-time/fixed-time/hyperexponential convergence and stability. The main idea is to separate and hierarchize in time the control and estimation processes, which are distributed in space, greatly simplifying their analysis and the design for large-scale solutions.

The Internet of Things (IoT) and Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) constitute the primary investigation and application areas.

The team aims to design algorithms for distributed finite-time control and estimation. The methodological tools developed include extensions of the theory of homogeneous systems and finite-time/fixed-time/hyperexponential convergence and stability notions. Particular attention is given to applications in real-world scenarios.

Valse is a joint proposal with the University of Lille (Centrale Lille, CRIStAL UMR-CNRS 9189).

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