Professor, University of Rennes I
Contact information
Postal address: IRISA Campus universitaire de Beaulieu 35042 Rennes Cédex FRANCE
E-mail address: Isabelle Puaut
Room: E-309
Phone: +33 02 99 84 73 10
My current research interests are the field of real-time systems, mostly on estimation of upper bounds of execution times of tasks (WCET estimation – Worst-Case Execution Time Estimation), a bit of scheduling and WCET-aware code generation. You may also be interested by our open-source static WCET estimation tool Heptane.
My former research interests included distributed systems, parallel programming, distributed shared memories and fault-tolerant systems. Over the years I’ve worked on distributed systems (PhD thesis on distributed garbage collection in object-oriented languages), parallel systems (Distributed Shared memories), fault-tolerant real-time systems.
I am “Habilitée à Diriger des Recherches” since november 2001 (get the document describing my research activities till 2001). I’m a full professor since 2004.
PC chairing and conference organization
- General chair of RTSS 2018 ( (Nashville, Tennessee)
- PC chair of RTSS 2017 (Paris France)
- Finance chair of ISCA 2010 (International Symposium on Computer Architecture), Saint Malo, France
- PC chair of ECRTS09, Dublin, Ireland, July 2009
- Chair of the work in progress session of RTSS 2008, Barcelona, Spain, December 2008
- General chair of RTNS08 (16th International Conference on Real-Time and Network Systems), Rennes France.
- Program chair of RTNS 2007, Nancy, France
- Chair of the work in progress session of ECRTS 2005, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, July 2005
- PC chair of WCET2004 Workshop (4th International Workshop on Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis)
- PC chair of CFSE4 (4th french Conference on Operating Systems), 2005
PC membership
- 2025: PC member of ECRTS 2025
- 2024: PC member of ECRTS 2024, RTAS 2024, WCET 2024
- 2023: PC member of RTNS 2023, RTAS 2023
- 2022: PC member of RTAS 2022, ECRTS 2022, RTSS 2022
- 2021: PC member of ECRTS 2021, RTAS 2021, RTNS 2021
- 2020: PC member of ECRTS 2020, RTSS 2020, RTAS 2020, RTNS 2020, WFCS 2020
- 2019: PC member of ECRTS 2019, RTNS 2019 and WCET 2019.
- 2018: PC member of ECRTS 2018 (Barcelona, Spain), RTAS 2018 (Porto, Portugal), RTNS 2018 (Poitiers, France)
- 2017: PC member of ECRTS 2017 (Dubrovnik, Croatia), RTAS 2017 (Pittsburgh, USA).
- 2016: PC member of ECRTS 2016 (Toulouse, France), RTAS 2016 (Vianna, Austria), RTSS 2016 (Porto, Portugal), WCET 2016 (Toulouse, France).
- 2015: PC member of ECRTS 2015 (Lund, Sweden, July 2015), RTNS 2015 (Lille, France, October 2015), RTCSA 2015 (Honh-Kong, China, August 2015)
- 2014: PC member of RTAS 2014 (Berlin, Germany, April 2014)
- 2013: PC member of RTNS 2013 (Nice, France, October 2013) , ECRTS 2013 (Paris, France, July 2013), RTCSA 2013 (Taipei, Taiwan, August 2013).
- 2012: PC member of ECRTS 2012 (Pisa, Italy, July 2012), LCTES 2012 (Beijing, China, June 2012), ETFA 2012, CARI 2012, ICESS 2012, RTCSA 2012.
- 2011: PC member of ECRTS 2011 (Porto, Portugal, July 2011), RTAS 2011 (Chicago, IL, USA, April 2011), DATE 2011 (Grenoble, France, March 2011), RTSS 2011.
- 2010: PC member of RTSS 2010 (San Diego, CA, USA), ECRTS10 (Brussels, Belgium), July 2010, RTAS 2010 (Stockholm, Sweden, April 2010), JTRES 2010 (Prague, Czech republic, August 2010), RTNS 2010 (Toulouse, France, November 2010), real-time track of ETFA 2010 (Bilbao, Spain, September 2010), WCET 2010 (Brussels, Belgium, July 2010), RTCSA 2010 (Macau, August 2010).
- 2009: PC member of RTSS09 (Washington D.C. December 2009), RTNS09, (Paris, France, October 2009), RTCSA 2009, (Beijing, China, August 2009), WCET 09, Real-Time and (Networked) Embedded Systems at ETFA 2009,
- 2008: PC member ot ECRTS08, RTCSA08, Real-Time and (Networked) Embedded Systems at ETFA 2008 , WCET08 (held in conjunction with ECRTS08).
- 2007: PC member of RTSS2007 (Real-Time Systems Symposium), DATE07 (Design Automation and Test Europe), RTNS07 (15th Real-Time Systems and Networks Conference), ISORC2007
- 2006: PC member of RTSS2006 (Real-Time Systems Symposium), ECRTS2006, RTNS06, CFSE5 and WCET2006
- 2005: PC member of the Euromicro Conference on Real-Time systems, ECRTS2005, , WCET2005 ECRTS2006, ECRTS2007 and RTS05,
- 2004: PC member of ECRTS2004, LCTES’04 CFSE3 and RTS04
- 2003: PC member of ECRTS2003, CFSE, ISORC2003
- 2002: PC member of ISORC2002 and CFSE1
- 2000: PC member of ISORC2000 and the 8th Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Real Time Systems (WPDRTS2000)
- 1999: PC member of ISORC1999
Current PhD students
- Matthieu Rodet (since october 2024). Software support for running Circadian AI on next generation intermittent systems. Co-supervized by Erven Rohou, Sébastien Faucou and Mikaël Briday
- Hector Chabot (since september 2023). Fine grain software modeling and analysis for interference management in multi-core real-time systems. Co-supervized by Thomas Carle and Hugues Cassé (IRIT, Toulouse)
- Nicolas Bailluet (since october 2022). Machine code modifications against Rip and JOP attacks. Co-supervized by Erven Rohou
Former PhD students
- Hugo Reymond. Energy-aware execution model for intermittent systems. November 2024. Co-supervized by Erven Rohou, Sébastien Faucou, Jean-Luc Bechennec and Mikaël Briday. Manuscript (in french).
- Abderaouf Nassim Amalou. Timing estimation using machine learning techniques. December 2023. Co-supervized by Elisa Fromont. Manuscript (in english)
- Nicolas Bellec. Security enhancement in embedded hard real-time systems. May 2023. Co-supervized by Simon Rokicki, Guillaume Hiet, Frédéric Tronel. Manuscript (in english).
- Benjamin Rouxel. Minimising communication costs impact when scheduling real–time applications on multi-core architectures. Co supervized by Steven Derrien (30 %). December 2018. Manuscript (in english).
- Viet Anh Nguyen. Cache-conscious Off-Line Real-Time Scheduling for Multi-Core Platforms: Algorithms and Implementation. Co-supervized by Damien Hardy (50%). February 2018. Manuscript (in english).
- Hanbing Li: Extraction and Traceability of Annotations for WCET Estimation. Co-supervized by Erven Rohou (50%). October 2015. manuscript (in english)
- André Oliveira-Maroneze: Verified compilation and Worst-Case Execution Time Estimation. Co-supervized (and mainly supervized) by Sandrine Blazy. manuscript (in english)
- Benjamin Lesage: Analysis and design of WCET-friendly multi-core architectures. Co-supervised by André Seznec. May 2013. manuscript (in french).
- Damien Hardy. WCET estimation for multi-core architectures with shared caches. December 2010. manuscript (in french)
- Jean-François Deverge Predictability and worst-case execution time (WCET) analysis of modern processors (cache analysis, control of scratchpad memory contents, july 2008 – manuscript. Now with GE Heathcare France, Paris
- Alexis Arnaud: Utilisation prévisible de caches d’instructions dans les systèmes temps réel (predictable usage of instruction caches in hard real-time systems), april 2006 – manuscript.pdf. Now with Iponweb, Moscow.
- David Decotigny : simulation and performance evaluation of real-time systems, defended in april 2003, résumé – (1166946 octets) – fichier.pdf (2302195 octets). Now with IN2P3 – CNRS, spent one year with the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center.
- Antoine Colin : Static Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET) Analysis and its application to real-time operating systems
Estimation de temps d’exécution au pire-cas et application aux systèmes d’exploitation temps réel – oct 2001 – fichier.pdf. Now with Rapita systems, York, UK. - Pascal Chevochot : fault-tolerance in distributed hard real-time systems – Conception de systèmes distribués temps-réel strict tolérants aux fautes – december 1999, (888997 octets) – fichier.pdf (1642173 octets). Now with Sogitec, Rennes, France.
- Manuel Billot : fiabilité comme une extension à la notion de qualité de service : application à un serveur de vidéo à la demande (co-encadré par Michel Banâtre et Valérie Issarny)
- Gilbert Cabillic : Fault-tolerance and load balancing in distributed shared memories
Exécution d’applications parallèles sur architectures distribuées hétérogènes : proposition et mise en oeuvre. (576539 octets). Now with google.
- Low Level Programming
- Chapter 1: introduction
- Chapter 2: basics of C
- Chapter 3: basic tooling (compiler, linker, makefile)
- Chapter 3′: crash course
- Chapter 4: advanced C (pointers, dynamic memory allocation, etc)
- Chapter 5: version control (git)
- Chapter 6: Debugging tools (gdb, valgrind)
- Chapter 7: Bit hacks
- Chapter 8: x86 programming
- Low Level Programming laboratories: assignments (Hitori solver)
- Assignment 1 (user interface). October 10, 6PM
- Assignment 2 (grid I/O). October 16, 6PM
- Assignment 3 (grid management functions). October 25, 6PM
- Assignment 4 (heuristics and grid generation). November 15, 6PM
- Assignment 5 (grid solver with backtracking)
- Assignment 6 (final project). November 28, 6PM, postponed to December 5, 6PM
- Grid examples (parsing + solving)
- Systèmes d’exploitation avancés (SEA) Advanced operating systems – first year of master studies.
- Chapitre 1 : introduction
- Chapitre 2 : processus et ordonnancement
- Chapitre 3 : synchronisation
- Chapitre 4 : édition de liens statique et dynamique
- Chapitre 5 : gestion d’entrées/sorties
- Chapitre 6 : gestion mémoire
- Chapitre 7 : allocation dynamique de mémoire
- Real-time systems (lessons and laboratory) – first year of master studies
- Slides (english version, 5MB pdf), older french version (3MB pdf).
- Sujets de travaux dirigés
- Laboratory work (OSEK/VDX RTOS Trampoline, on Mindstorm Next). Introductory talk to labs.
- Optimizing and Paralleling compilers (OPC)
- Chapter on WCET estimation
- Chapter on compiler / WCET estimation interaction
- Papers to synthetize/present: here
- Writing of scientific publications (and beyond): slides
- French version of RISC simulator by Peter L Higginson : here. Click here for the original version.
- Real-time quizz, presented by Giorgio Buttazzo and myself for the 25th anniversary of ECRTS 2013. You only have to guess which real-time concept is illustrated on each slide. If you send me your answers, I’ll send you back your grades (NB: 19/20 questions have been answered correctly during the reception at the conference).
- My pictures on flickr: