Isabelle Puaut

Professor, University of Rennes I

Contact information

IRISA, PACAP  Research Group

Postal address: IRISA Campus universitaire de Beaulieu 35042 Rennes Cédex FRANCE
E-mail address: Isabelle Puaut
Room: E-309
Phone: +33 02 99 84 73 10



My current research interests are the field of real-time systems, mostly on estimation of upper bounds of execution times of tasks (WCET estimation – Worst-Case Execution Time Estimation), a bit of scheduling and WCET-aware code generation. You may also be interested by our open-source static WCET estimation tool Heptane.

My former research interests included distributed systems, parallel programming, distributed shared memories and fault-tolerant systems. Over the years I’ve worked on distributed systems (PhD thesis on distributed garbage collection in object-oriented languages), parallel systems (Distributed Shared memories), fault-tolerant real-time systems.

I am  “Habilitée à Diriger des Recherches” since november  2001 (get the document describing my research activities till 2001). I’m a full professor since 2004.


PC chairing and conference organization

  • General chair of RTSS 2018 ( (Nashville, Tennessee)
  • PC chair of RTSS 2017 (Paris France)
  • Finance chair of ISCA 2010 (International Symposium on Computer Architecture), Saint Malo, France
  • PC chair of ECRTS09, Dublin, Ireland, July 2009
  • Chair of the work in progress session of RTSS 2008, Barcelona, Spain, December 2008
  • General chair of RTNS08 (16th International Conference on Real-Time and Network Systems), Rennes France.
  • Program chair of RTNS 2007, Nancy, France
  • Chair of the work in progress session of ECRTS 2005, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, July 2005
  • PC chair of  WCET2004 Workshop (4th International Workshop on Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis)
  • PC chair of CFSE4 (4th french Conference on Operating Systems), 2005

PC membership

Current PhD students

  • Matthieu Rodet (since october 2024). Software support for running Circadian AI on next generation intermittent systems. Co-supervized by Erven Rohou, Sébastien Faucou and Mikaël Briday
  • Hector Chabot (since september 2023). Fine grain software modeling and analysis for interference management in multi-core real-time systems. Co-supervized by Thomas Carle and Hugues Cassé (IRIT, Toulouse)
  • Nicolas Bailluet (since october 2022). Machine code modifications against Rip and JOP attacks. Co-supervized by Erven Rohou

Former PhD students

  • Hugo Reymond. Energy-aware execution model for intermittent systems. November 2024. Co-supervized by Erven Rohou, Sébastien Faucou, Jean-Luc Bechennec and Mikaël Briday. Manuscript  (in french).
  • Abderaouf Nassim Amalou. Timing estimation using machine learning techniques. December 2023. Co-supervized by Elisa Fromont. Manuscript (in english)
  • Nicolas Bellec. Security enhancement in embedded hard real-time systems. May 2023. Co-supervized by Simon Rokicki, Guillaume Hiet, Frédéric Tronel. Manuscript (in english).
  • Benjamin Rouxel. Minimising communication costs impact when scheduling real–time applications on multi-core architectures. Co supervized by Steven Derrien (30 %). December 2018. Manuscript (in english).
  • Viet Anh Nguyen. Cache-conscious Off-Line Real-Time Scheduling for Multi-Core Platforms: Algorithms and Implementation. Co-supervized by Damien Hardy (50%). February 2018. Manuscript (in english).
  • Hanbing Li: Extraction and Traceability of Annotations for WCET Estimation. Co-supervized by Erven Rohou (50%). October 2015. manuscript (in english)
  • André Oliveira-Maroneze: Verified compilation and Worst-Case Execution Time Estimation. Co-supervized (and mainly supervized) by Sandrine Blazy. manuscript (in english)
  • Benjamin Lesage: Analysis and design of WCET-friendly multi-core architectures. Co-supervised by André Seznec. May 2013. manuscript (in french).
  • Damien Hardy. WCET estimation for multi-core architectures with shared caches. December 2010. manuscript (in french)
  • Jean-François Deverge Predictability and worst-case execution time (WCET) analysis of modern processors (cache analysis, control of scratchpad memory contents, july 2008 – manuscript. Now with GE Heathcare France, Paris
  • Alexis Arnaud: Utilisation prévisible de caches d’instructions dans les systèmes temps réel (predictable usage of instruction caches in hard real-time systems), april 2006 – manuscript.pdf. Now with Iponweb, Moscow.
  • David Decotigny : simulation and performance evaluation of real-time systems, defended in april 2003, résumé (1166946 octets) – fichier.pdf (2302195 octets). Now with IN2P3 – CNRS,  spent one year with the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center.
  • Antoine Colin : Static Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET) Analysis and its application to real-time operating systems
    Estimation de temps d’exécution au pire-cas et application aux systèmes d’exploitation temps réel – oct 2001 – fichier.pdf. Now with Rapita systems, York, UK.
  • Pascal Chevochot : fault-tolerance in distributed hard real-time systems – Conception de systèmes distribués temps-réel strict tolérants aux fautes – december 1999, (888997 octets) – fichier.pdf (1642173 octets). Now with Sogitec, Rennes, France.
  • Manuel Billot : fiabilité comme une extension à la notion de qualité de service : application à un serveur de vidéo à la demande (co-encadré par Michel Banâtre et Valérie Issarny)
  • Gilbert Cabillic : Fault-tolerance and load balancing in distributed shared memories
    Exécution d’applications parallèles sur architectures distribuées hétérogènes : proposition et mise en oeuvre. (576539 octets). Now with google.



  • Real-time quizz, presented by Giorgio Buttazzo and myself for the 25th anniversary of ECRTS 2013. You only have to  guess which real-time concept is illustrated on each slide. If you send me your answers, I’ll send you back your grades (NB: 19/20 questions have been answered correctly during the reception at the conference).
  • My pictures on flickr:

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