New action of GDR MACS « Epidemics: modeling, identification, control »

The objective of this action is to coordinate the control researchers working in France on modeling/identification/estimation/control of epidemics (and other related topics) in order to boost the cooperation, enlarge the visibility and information exchanges:


Action of GdR MACS “Epidemics: modeling, identification, control”

A propos Denis EFIMOV

Denis Efimov received Ph.D. degree in Automatic Control from the Saint-Petersburg State Electrical Engineering University (Russia) in 2001, and Dr.Sc. degree in Automatic control in 2006 from the Institute for Problems of Mechanical Engineering RAS (Saint-Petersburg, Russia). From 2000 to 2009 he was a research fellow at the Institute for Problems of Mechanical Engineering RAS, Control of Complex Systems Laboratory. From 2006 to 2011 he was working in the L2S CNRS (Supelec, France), the Montefiore Institute (University of Liege, Belgium) and IMS CNRS lab (University of Bordeaux, France). In 2011, he joined Inria (Lille - Nord Europe center). Starting from 2018 he is the head of Valse team. He is a co-author of more than 140 peer-reviewed journal papers. He is a member of several IFAC TCs and a Senior Member of IEEE. He is also serving as an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Automatica, IFAC Journal on Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems and Asian Journal of Control.

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