Publications and conferences


  • Ricardo Baptista, Youssef Marzouk, Olivier Zahm: On the representation and learning of
    monotone triangular transport maps, preprint-2022
  • Ricardo Baptista, Youssef Marzouk, Olivier Zahm, Gradient-based data and parameter
    dimension reduction for Bayesian models: an information theoretic perspective,
  • Olivier Zahm, Tiangang Cui, Kody Law, Alessio Spantini and Youssef Marzouk: Certified
    dimension reduction in nonlinear Bayesian inverse problems, Mathematics of
    Computation, 91(336), 1789-1835, 2022. (link)
  • Olivier Zahm, Daniele Bigoni, Youssef Marzouk and Clémentine Prieur: Nonlinear
    dimension reduction for regression using gradient information, IMA: Information and
    Inference, 2022. (link)
  • Tiangang Cui and Olivier Zahm Data-Free Likelihood-Informed Dimension Reduction of
    Bayesian Inverse Problems, Inverse Problems, 37(4), 045009, 2021. (link)
  • Michael Brennan, Daniele Bigoni, Olivier Zahm, Alessio Spantini, Youssef Marzouk: Greedy
    inference with structure-exploiting lazy maps, NeurIPS-2020
  • Ricardo Baptista, Youssef Marzouk, Rebecca Morrison, Olivier Zahm Learning non-
    Gaussian probabilistic graphical models, Preprint-2021
  • Olivier Zahm, Paul Constantine, Clémentine Prieur and Youssef Marzouk: Gradient-based
    dimension reduction of multivariate vector-valued functions, SIAM Journal on
    Scientific Computing, 2020, vol. 42, no 1, p. A534-A558.
  • Mohamed Reda El Amri, Céline Helbert, Miguel Munoz Zuniga, Clémentine Prieur and
    Delphine Sinoquet: Set inversion under functional uncertainties with joint metamodels, preprint 2020.
  • Alessio Spantini, Ricardo Baptista, Youssef Marzouk: Coupling techniques for nonlinear ensemble filtering, preprint 2019. arXiv
  • Mohamed Reda El Amri, Céline Helbert, Olivier Lepreux et. : Data-driven stochastic inversion under functional uncertainties (2019), to appear in Statistics and Computing. hal.


  • MORTech19, Paris, France, November 20th-22th (O. Zahm)
  • ENUMATHS 19, Egmond aan Zee, Netherlands, September 30th – November 4th (O. Zahm & R. Baptista)
  • ICIAM19, Valencia, Spain, July 15th-19th (C. Prieur, O. Zahm, D. Bigoni, R. Baptista)
  • AIP19, Grenoble, France, July 8th-12th (C. Prieur, O. Zahm, D. Bigoni, R. Baptista)
  • ADMOS19, Alicante, Spain, May 27th-29th (O. Zahm)
  • SMAI19, Guidel, France, May 13th-17th (C. Prieur, O. Zahm)
  • MascotNum19, Rueil-Malmaison, France, March 18th-20th (C. Prieur, O. Zahm)
  • FrontUQ18, Pavia, Italy, September 5-7th (O. Zahm)
  • MCQMC 2018, Rennes, France, July 2-6th, 2018 (C. Prieur, plenary talk)
  • 12th International Vilnius Conference, Vilnius, Lithuania, July 2-6th, 2018 (O. Zahm)
  • SIAM UQ 2018, Anaheim, California, April 16-19th, 2018 (O. Zahm, C. Prieur, Y. Marzouk)
  • MoRePaS 2018, Nantes, France, April 10-13th, 2018 (O. Zahm)
  • INI Workshop (UNQW03), Cambridge, UK, March 5-9th, 2018 (O. Zahm)

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