Crisis work with the EMS physicians of Paris : a mathematical perspective on the evolution of Covid-19

Understanding and monitoring the evolution of the Covid-19 epidemic from medical emergency calls: the example of the Paris area,
Stéphane Gaubert, Marianne Akian, Xavier Allamigeon, Marin Boyet, Baptiste Colin, Théotime Grohens, Laurent Massoulié, David P. Parsons, Frédéric Adnet, Érick Chanzy, Laurent Goix, Frédéric Lapostolle, Éric Lecarpentier, Christophe Leroy, Thomas Loeb, Jean-Sébastien Marx, Caroline Télion, Laurent Tréluyer and Pierre Carli, Comptes Rendus — Mathématique, Volume 358, issue 7 (2020), p. 843-875, doi:10.5802/crmath.99 also arXiv:2005.14186

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