Projects & Transfer

We are the coordinators or participate in several contracts and collaborations.


Plateforme 5G-mMTC 

  • Plateforme 5G souveraine, de bout en bout, pour l’IOT à forte densité. Co-Leaders: Médiane Système and UVSQ Paris-Saclay


PEPR Networks of Future – NF (2023-2027)

  • TRiBE is implicated in 5 PCs of the named:
    • PC2 NAI – Networks & Infrastructures Architectures and Networks-Cloud-Sensing Convergence. Co-Leaders: IMT, CEA, Inria (DIANA)
    • PC3 PERSEUS – Energy efficient cell-free massive MIMO (CF-mMIMO) networks in the sub-7 GHz frequency band
    • PC6 FITNESS – Development of innovative technical solutions for the Internet of Things  Co-Leaders: CEA, Inria (Nadjib Achir/TRiBE)
    • PC7 JEN – “Just Enough Networks” to respond to user requirements
    • PC10 FPNG – French Networks of test platforms for new-generation mobile communications

PEPR MOBIDEC (2023-2027)

  •  Mob Sci-Dat Factory – Sharing of tools for processing and analysing mobility data. Co-Leaders: Inria (Aline C. Viana/TRiBE) and IFPEN (Alexandre Chasse)

Inria COVID mission projects:

SafeCityMap project (2020-2022)

ICI COVID (2021-2022)

  • Goal: Design of an epidemic propagation simulator enhanced with the realistic modelling of micro-mobility of individuals in a urban area. The realistic feature of the micro-mobility generation is garanteed by (1) the extraction of mobility preferences of population flows given by real anonymized cellular datasets, (2) the use of public population and spatial urban information given by  IGN/INSEE entities, and (3) public socioeconomic statistics and transportation means. The epidemic modelling will leverage current models in literature.
  • Leader: Denis Talay (ASCII Inria team)
  • Participants: members of Inria teams, IGN, INSA-Lyon
  • Dissemination: visit the ICI project website

Ariadane COVID (2020-2022)

  • Goal: Inferring safe outdoor paths inside cities. We aim to limit the exposure to virus propagation by making a load balancing between streets via space-time diversity. This is done by the use of random walks.
  • Leader: Philippe Jacquet
  • Participants: Cedric Adjih
  • Dissemination: Technical Report 2020

European Grants

H2020 SPARTA (2019-2022) SU-ICT-03-2018

  • Goal: The Sparta project puts in motion a competence network on cybersecurity, with a view to shaping a future EU-wide cybersecurity agency. In this context, TRiBE contributes on topics around low-power IoT security, whereby RIOT is used as the base experimental platform.
  • Leader @ TRiBE: Emmanuel Baccelli
  • Participants: Cedric Adjih, and partners CEA, CNIT TU München, Fraunhofer, SAP, Thales…


  • Goal: Quantifying mobility impact on COVID propagation. We are leveraging mobility patterns in terms of zones’ attendance and visiting flows for inferring their risk factor, impacting the COVID-19 spread.
  • Leader: Aline Carneiro Viana;
  • Participants: Emmanuel Baccelli, and partners Univ. of Toulouse, SUPSI, UCL, CNR, UFMG

ANR Grants

ANR MITIk (2020-2023) 

  • Goal: Mobility and contact traces from non-intrusive passive measurements
  • Leader: Aline Carneiro Viana;
  • Participants: COMETE/Inria, UPMC, Univ. de La Rochelle

ANR / BMBF TinyPART (French-German, 2021-2024)

  • Goal: Internet of Things enhancing surveillance systems for sensitive, high population density public spaces e.g., airports, train stations, stadiums.
  • Leader: Emmanuel Baccelli;
  • Participants: Cedric Adjih, and partners Freie Universität Berlin, Orange, Université de Lille.

Labex Grants

Labex DigiCosme VehiCloud (2021-2024) 

  • Goal: How can Vehicles increase Cloud intelligence?
  • Leader: Andrea Araldo (Télécom SudParis);
  • Participants: LISN — University Paris-Saclay, SAMOVAR — Télécom SudParis, Inria teams TRiBE

Défi Inria Grant

RIOT-fp: Reconciling IoT & Future-Proof Security (2019-2024)

  • Goal: Cyber-security research targeting the Internet of Things. Harnessing domains including secure IoT network protocol design, cryptography for IoT, formally verified embedded code, and secure low-power IoT software updates. Demonstrator enhacing RIOT with an array of security mechanisms.
  • Leader: Emmanuel Baccelli;
  • Participants: Inria teams TRiBE, EVA, TEA, PROSECCO, GRACE and Freie Universität Berlin

Equipex Grant

Equipex FIT

  • Goal: Equipex FIT is a platform built to help foster the development, tuning and experimentation of protocols and applications. The INFINE manages one of the
    sites of the FIT IoT-LAB testbeds (dedicated to the Internet of Things and wireless sensor networks).
  • Managers of local testbed: Emmanuel Baccelli, Cedric Adjih

STIC Grants

STIC AmSud LINT (2022-2024)

  • Goal: Leveraging federated mobility learning for tactile Internet services
  • Leader: Nadjib Achir.
  • Participants: TRiBE/Inria, Universidad del Desarrollo (Santiago de Chile, Chile), Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina), Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (Brazil), Universidade Federal de Goiás (Brazil), University Sorbonne Paris Nord (France)

STIC AmSud MOTIf (2016-2019)

  • Goal: Mobile phone sensing of human dynamics in techno-social environment
  • Leader: Marton Karsai.
  • Participants: TRiBE/Inria, LNCC, UFMG, PUC-MG, GranData, Univ. of Buenos Aires

STIC AmSud UCOOL (2013-2015)

  • Goal: Understanding and predicting human demanded COntent and mObiLity project, which de nes solutions for the identi cation and modelling of correlations
    between the user mobility and the trac demand he/she generates.
  • Leader: Aline Carneiro Viana.
  • Participants: DANTE/Inria, LNCC, UFMG, Univ. of Buenos Aires, GranData, Univ. Santa Maria.

STIC Asie URSA (2012-2014)

  • Goal: Urban Sensing for Ads Networks project, which aims at de ning an urban sensing network based on the mobility of users and the di usion of advertisings by
    xed elements.
  • Leader: Stephane Maag (TeleCom SudParis);
  • Participant: Aline Carneiro Viana

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