Giovanni NEGLIA

Author's posts

Talk on “Tree Builder Random Walk: recurrence, transience and ballisticity”

G. Iacobelli gave a talk on “Tree Builder Random Walk: recurrence, transience and ballisticity” at the Workshop: Dias probabilisticos no fundão, UFRJ, RJ, Brazil

Talk on “Growing Networks with Random Walks”

G. Iacobelli gave a talk on “Growing Networks with Random Walks” at PUC Chile, Probability Seminar, Santiago, Chile

Best paper award at Brasnam

The paper “Visibilidade no Facebook: Modelos, Medições e Implicações” coauthored by Thanes researchers (Eduardo Hargreaves, Daniel Sadoc Manasche, Giovanni Neglia, Eitan Altman) together with the journalist Claudio Agosti and Alexandre Reiffers (IISc Bengaloru) got the Best paper award at the 7th Brazilian Workshop on Social Network Analysis and Mining (BraSNAM) for the paper

Talk on “Growing networks with Random walks”

G. Iacobelli gave a talk on “Growing networks with Random walks” at Columbia University, NY, USA

Talk on “Transience and Recurrence of Random Walks that Grow their Graphs”

G. Neglia gave a talk on “Transience and Recurrence of Random Walks that Grow their Graphs” during his visit at Purdue university.

Talk on “Transience and Recurrence of Random Walks that Grow their Graphs”

G. Neglia gave a talk on “Transience and Recurrence of Random Walks that Grow their Graphs” at Northeastern university, Boston, USA.

Talk on “Growing Networks with Random Walks”

G. Iacobelli gave a Floris Takens Seminar on “Growing Networks with Random Walks” at Groningen University.

Ricardo’s internship at Inria

Ricardo Coelho Silveira, student at UFRJ, will spend 3 month (19/9-23/12/2016) at Inria Sophia Antipolis working on “Graph Co-evolution.”

Thanes open workshop on Network Science

Two-day workshop on Network Science at Inria Sophia-Antipolis Méditerranée. The detailed program is here.

Talk on “Edge-attractor Random Walks on Dynamic Networks” at Sophia Antipolis

Giulio Iacobelli (UFRJ) gave a talk on “Edge-attractor Random Walks on Dynamic Networks” during his visit at Inria Sophia Antipolis Méditerranée.