An Object Tracking in Particle Filtering and Data Association Framework, Using SIFT Features

An article published in ICDP 2011. Authors: M. Souded, L. Giulieri and F. Bremond The authors address the problematic of the multi-object tracking in video surveillance context with single static cameras. They propose a novel approach for multi-object tracking in a particle filtering and data association framework allowing real-time tracking…

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Object tracking in SUP

Involved people: Duc Phu CHAU, Francois BREMOND and Monique THONNAT SUP (Scene Unsderstanding Platform, developped by Stars team) provides an object apperance-based tracking algorithm. This tracker includes two main plugins: ParametrableF2Ftracking and LTT. The objective of ParametrableF2Ftracking plugin is to establish object links with a sliding time window. For each…

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Object tracking description

Involved people: Duc Phu CHAU, Julien BADIE and Malik SOUDED The aim of an object tracking algorithm is to generate the trajectories of objects over time by locating their positions in every frame of video. An object tracker may also provide the complete region in the image that is occupied…

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ViSEvAl result comparison

The goal of this script is to compare different result files of the same sequence. To run the script, use the following command : python <resultFile1.txt> … <resultFileN.txt> The result files must be ViSEvAl output file generated by the ViSEvAlEvaluation binary. The script displays useful information of the result files…

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XML1 Viewer

XML1 Viewer is a Python script showing statistics and information about XML1 output of SUP. To run the script, use the following command : python <XML1file> With only an XML1 file as input, the script displays all the detected object with the following statistics : number of frames total…

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Multi-sensors fusion for daily living activities recognition in older people domain

I am currently researching the use of Information and Communication Technologies as tools for preventative care and diagnosis support in elderly population. Our current approach uses accelerometers and video sensors for the recognition of instrumental daily living activities (IADL, e.g., preparing coffee, making a phone call). Clinical studies have pointed the…

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SUP daily evaluation

The daily evaluation aims to guaranty the proper functioning of SUP by detecting crashes and bugs due to last commits and showing if the results of the different algorithms are improving day after day. Evaluation is performed as follows : update of SUP core and SUP plugins to the latest version…

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ViSEvAl software

ViSEvAl is under GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) At INRIA, an evaluation framework has been developed to assess the performance of Gerontechnologies and Videosurveillance. This framework aims at better understanding the added values of new technologies for home-care monitoring and other services. This platform is available to the scientific…

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MOG segmentation

This is the plugin from a previous PhD student Nghiem Anh Tuan. Plugin Name– supProcessMoGSegmentation Person Responsible– Vasanth BATHRINARAYANAN (vbathrin) Extra Info– This plugin has good documentation, there is a parameter description file, thesis and description of structure of the program module located in the doc folder of the trunk…

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