Paul Van Liedekerke

Engineer at T-INSIL start-up

Personal webpage



Short bio

Expert in mathematical modeling and method development for complex physical phenomena (fluids,granular matter flow, living matter). Software development (C++/python) and data analysis(matlab/python).

Research interest

Interested in numerical models and new conceptual ideas, applications from industry to medicine. The software and models that I have developed so far address granular matter dynamics (powders and grains), (bio-) fluids and cellular tissues.

I currently focus on the development of accurate cell-based models, which are methods to predict collective behavior from individual dynamics controlled by rules or differential equations. Applications: cell tumor growth, tissue regeneration, tissue development, biotech .

Publication Highlights

  • A quantitative high-resolution computational mechanics cell model for growing and regenerating tissues.
    P. Van Liedekerke, J. Neitsch, T. Johann et al.
    Biomech Model Mechanobiol 19, 189–220 (2020).
  • Quantitative modeling identifies robust predictable stress response of growing CT-26 tumor spheroids under variable conditions.
    P. Van Liedekerke, J. Neitsch, T. Johann, K. Alessandri, P. Nassoy and D. Drasdo
    Plos comp. (2017)
  • Simulating tissue mechanics with Agent Based Models: concepts and perspectives.
    P. Van Liedekerke, M. Palm, N. Jagiella and D. Drasdo
    J. Comp. Part. mech2  (2015, invited review).

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