Job offers

In this page, you find our job offers to join Scool:

Inria Researcher Positions (CR/ISFP/DR)

Deadline for application: Feb 6th, 2024. More information on Inria website.

To apply on these positions, it is crucial to get in touch with Philippe Preux as early as possible (even before the campaign is opened).

CNRS Researcher Positions (CR/DR)

Deadline for application: Feb 9th, 2024. More information on CNRS website.

To apply on these positions, it is crucial to get in touch with Philippe Preux as early as possible (even before the campaign is opened).

Postdoc Positions

  • Philippe Preux and colleagues hire a post-doc as part of the ANR BIP-UP project (precision medicine): please check out this link.
  • Debabrota Basu is looking for a post-doc interested in the theory of Reinforcement Learning and Bandits under structures and constraints as part of the ANR REPUBLIC project. Contact as soon as possible for further details.
  • Odalric-Ambrym Maillard is looking for a post-doc on contextual bandits theory and application as part of the PEPR Pl@ntAgroEco project (recommendation in open-science platform Pl@ntNet), please apply here. Preferred starting date is early spring 2024.

PhD Positions

In fall 2024 we will be hiring 2 PhD students on the PEPR FOUNDRY on robust AI. Tentative topics (to be discussed with the students) are:

  • The cost of privacy and fairness in adaptive testing (contact: Debabrota Basu and Emilie Kaufmann)
  • Corruption and mis-specified structures in bandits and reinforcement learning (contact: Odalric-Ambrym Maillard)

We may be looking for other PhD students in 2024, more details to come soon.


More information on 2024 internships coming soon

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