Sileye Ba


Location: INRIA Rhône-Alpes

Phone: 0033 (0) 476615208

Mail: sileye dot ba at inria dot fr

Publications   Supervision

Since March 2016: Senior researcher at VideoStitch working on computer vision and machine learning models for 360 video stitching and virtual reality. From now on this page is no longer maintained.

May 2014- February 2016: Researcher in the Perception team of  working on computer vision and machine learning temporal models for humans and humanoid robots interactions from audio-visual data.

March 2013-May 2014R&D Engineer at RN3D Innovation Lab in Marseille working on computer vision and machine learning tools for  human machine interfaction modelling from multimodal stereo cameras.

May 2009-Feb. 2013: Postdoctoral researcher  in Signal and Communication Department of Telecom Bretagne  in Brest  working  on geophysical events modelling from multi-modal satellite observations.

April 2007-April 2009:Postdoctoral researcher at IDIAP Research Institute working  on  multi-party visual focus of attention and conversational events modelling from audio-video data.

Oct. 2002-March 2007:Research  assistant at IDIAP Research Institute working toward his PhD thesis with  Jean-Marc Odobez on probabilistic methods for joint head tracking and pose estimation applied to people’s visual focus of attention estimation.

April-September 2002:Research Intern in the team IMASTE of Biometrics and Artificial Intelligence (BIA) Lab of  INRA (Institut National de Recherches en Agronomie) at Jouy en Josas (Paris) working on confoncal microscopy images restoration.

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