Extreme Pose Interaction (ExPI) Dataset

Paper and Codes:

[paper]: Please find more details of the ExPI dataset in our paper “Multi-Person Extreme Motion Prediction”.

[code for human motion prediction]: Code for collaborative human motion prediction on ExPI dataset.

[ExPI Toolbox]: A toolbox of ExPI dataset which contains functions for data reading/ 2D3Dprojection / 2D3D visualization / matching the images with 3D annotations, etc.

Download data:

Please FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS of this link to apply and download the ExPI dataset.

If you have any questions concerning the download of data, please contact us by email:  xavier.alameda-pineda@inria.fr.


2022.12  Full dataset released! (If you have already applied for Mocap data before, you should have direct access to the full dataset without the need of applying again.)

2022.03  “Multi-Person Extreme Motion Prediction” got accepted by CVPR2022.

2021.11  Mocap data released!


If you find our data useful, please cite our work:

title={Multi-Person Extreme Motion Prediction},
author={Wen,Guo and Xiaoyu, Bie and Xavier, Alameda-Pineda and Francesc,Moreno-Noguer},
booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},

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