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Maximilian Jaritz

Email: maximilian.jaritz at

I will join Amazon Robotics AI in Berlin in September 2020!

I did my PhD with Raoul de Charette at Inria and Emilie Wirbel at Valeo. Since its creation, I was also part of, led by Patrick Pérez.  In my 2nd PhD year, I have spent 4.5 months as visiting student at Hao Su’s lab at UC San Diego. My research interests are in 3D Computer Vision, Domain Adaptation, 2D-3D Fusion, Reinforcement Learning.


  • 26 June 2020: I have defended my PhD 🙂
  • 26 May 2020: I gave a virtual talk at GdR Isis “Vision 3D et Apprentissage”.
  • 24 Feb 2020: xMUDA accepted at CVPR 2020!
  • 12 Jan 2020: Code for MVPNet released.
  • 20 Nov 2019: I have given a talk about my work to Master students at Mines ParisTech.
  • 10 Aug 2018: Excited to announce that I will be joining Hao Su at UCSD for a 4.5 month PhD visit starting in October!
  • 24 Jul 2018: One paper accepted at 3DV 2018!
  • 18 Mar 2018: I was cited in an article about autonomous driving in the science magazine Sciences et Avenir.
  • 19 Feb 2018: I was filmed at the Inria and Industry event to explain our work on End-to-end Driving.


Google Scholar


xMUDA: Cross-Modal Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for 3D Semantic Segmentation
M. Jaritz, T-H. Vu, R. de Charette, E. Wirbel, P. Pérez
CVPR 2020


Multi-view PointNet for 3D Scene Understanding
M. Jaritz, J. Gu, H. Su
ICCV Workshop 2019


Sparse and dense data with CNNs: Depth completion and semantic segmentation
M. Jaritz, R. de Charette, E. Wirbel, X. Perrotton, F. Nashashibi
3DV 2018
End-to-end race driving with deep reinforcement learning
M. Jaritz, R. de Charette, M. Toromanoff, E. Perot, F. Nashashibi
ICRA 2018


End-to-End Driving in a Realistic Racing Game with Deep Reinforcement Learning
E. Perot, M. Jaritz, M. Toromanoff, R. de Charette
CVPR Workshop 2017

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