Antidote is the flexible cloud database platform currently under development in the SyncFree European project. Antidote aims to be both a research platform for studying replication and consistency at the large scale, and an instrument for exploiting research results. The platform supports replication of CRDTs, in and between sharded (partitioned) data centres (DCs). The current stable version supports strong transactional consistency inside a DC, and causal transactional consistency between DCs. Ongoing research includes support for explicit consistency [36] , [49] , for elastic version management, for adaptive replication, for partial replication, and for reconfigurable sharding.
A large family of distributed transactional protocols have a common structure, called Deferred Update Replication (DUR). DUR provides dependability by replicating data, and performance by not re-executing transactions but only applying their updates. Protocols of the DUR family differ only in behaviors of few generic functions. Based on this insight, we offer a generic DUR middleware, called G-DUR, along with a library of finely-optimized plug-in implementations of the required behaviors.
NumaGiC is a version of the HotSpot garbage collector (GC) adapted to many-core computers with very large main memories. In order to maximise GC throughput, it manages the trade-off between memory locality (local scans) and parallelism (work stealing) in a self-balancing manner. Furthemore, the collector features several memory placement heuristics that improve locality.
Client-side (e.g., mobile or in-browser) apps need local access to shared cloud data, but current technologies either do not provide fault-tolerant consistency guarantees, or do not scale to high numbers of unreliable and resource-poor clients, or both. Addressing this issue, the SwiftCloud distributed object database supports high numbers of client-side partial replicas. SwiftCloud offers fast reads and writes from a causally-consistent client-side cache. It is scalable, thanks to small and bounded metadata, and available, tolerating faults and intermittent connectivity by switching between data centres. The price to pay is a modest amount of staleness. A recent Inria Research Report (submitted for publication) presents the SwiftCloud algorithms, design, and experimental evaluation, which shows that client-side apps enjoy the same guarantees as a cloud data store, at a small cost.
PUMA is a system that is based on a kernel-level remote caching mechanism that provides the ability to pool VMs memory at the scale of a data center. An important property while lending memory to another VM, is the ability to quickly retrieve memory in case of need. Our approach aims at lending memory only for clean cache pages: in case of need, the VM which lent the memory can retrieve it easily. We use the system page cache to store remote pages such that: (i) if local processes allocate memory the borrowed memory can be retrieved immediately; and (ii) if they need cache the remote pages have a lower priority than the local ones.