The RAPSODI (for Reliable numerical APproximationS Of DIssipative systems) project-team is a research partnership between Inria and Université de Lille.
RAPSODIsts are members of the Numerical Analysis and Partial Differential Equations (AN-EDP) team of the Laboratoire Paul Painlevé (joint Université de Lille/CNRS unit).
The activity of the RAPSODI project-team is devoted to the design, the analysis, and the efficient implementation of discretization schemes for the numerical simulation of PDE-based dissipative models arising from physics or biology. We particularly focus our attention on the discrete preservation of physical structures: positivity, mass balance, growth of physical entropies, asymptotic behaviors… We also aim at minimizing the computational cost for a given accuracy, by devising high-order schemes, or by means of a posteriori error control. Finally, we adapt the algorithms to the potential industrial constraints at hand: general grids, stiff regimes, etc.
Research interests
- Mathematical topics:
- theoretical and numerical analysis of PDEs
- finite volume and finite element schemes
- structure-preserving schemes
- high-order and spectral methods
- a posteriori error control
- Application fields:
- porous media flows
- mechanics of complex fluids
- corrosion
- electromagnetics
- semiconductor devices
- plasma physics
- optimal transport