Frédéric BIMBOT

CNRS Senior Research Scientist
IRISA, Rennes – France

Panama Research Group


Professional bio (milestones)

1985 Engineering Degree from ENST / Telecom Paris Tech
1987 Masters in Linguistics/Phonetics (University Paris III, Sorbonne Nouvelle)
1988 PhD at ENST / Telecom Paris Tech (Topic : Speech Synthesis)
1990 Appointment as CNRS Research Scientist at ENST / Telecom Paris Tech
1992-1999 Periodical 3-month visits to AT&T-Bell Laboratories (USA)
1996-2000 Chairman of the GFCP, now AFCP (Special Interest Group of ISCA)
1997- CNRS research position appointed to at IRISA, Rennes
1998-2002 Member of the ISCA Board (International Speech Communication Association)
2001-2012 Head of the METISS Research Group at IRISA, Rennes (Speech and Audio Processing)
2005-2007 Associate Editor for IEEE / Signal Processing Letters (Topic : Speech Processing)
2008 Promotion as a CNRS Senior Research Scientist
2010-… Head of the Digital Signals and Images, Robotics Department at IRISA, Rennes
2011-2012 Member of the French National Council for Scientific Research*
2013 General Chairman of Interspeech 2013, Lyon (France)
2013-… Member of the ISCA Advisory Council (IAC)
2018-… Editor-in-Chief of the Journal « Speech Communication »

* Comité National de la Recherche Scientifique

Research topics and activities

  • Speech and language modeling
  • Speaker characterisation, recognition and verification
  • Audio segmentation and source separation
  • Spoken motif detection and discovery
  • Music structure description and models
  • Speech and audio technology transfert
  • Joint resources and initiatives : software toolboxes, data collection, evaluation campaigns


  • <click here> for my HAL generated publication list (not active yet)
  • <click here> to visit my Google Scholar page
  • <click here> to visit my DBLP page
