
Software and resources of the PANAMA team

The members of the PANAMA group (and formerly of the METISS group) contribute or have contributed to the following software.


Name License Supported OS Description
Audio Inpainting Toolbox GPL All A Matlab toolbox to inpaint audio like you inpaint images!
Audioseg GPL Unix Library and set of tools for audio segmentation (under development)
BSS Oracle GPL All Matlab toolbox to compute oracle estimators for source separation
BSS_EVAL GPL All Matlab toolbox for the measurement of source separation performance
CBC4CS GPL Tous Toolbox Matlab to reproduce the joint blind calibration and sparse inversion experiments of this paper
CSCbox Affero GPL All Matlab toolbox for Compressive Spectral Clustering. See also Graph Sampling Box
FASST GPL All Audio source separation software
Graph Sampling Box Affero GPL All Matlab toolbox for sampling signals on graphs. See also CSCbox
LastWave GPL Unix, MacOS, Cygwin Signal processing software (wavelets, matching pursuit, …)
MBSS Locate

MBSS Locate online
GPL 3 All Matlab toolbox that implements 8 localization methods based on angular spectrum analysis to estimate direction of arrival of multiple sources in a multi-channel audio signal. Online version does not require usage of Matlab software.
MPTK GPL Unix, MacOS, Cygwin Library for fast Matching Pursuit
MODIS GPL Unix, Cygwin Audio motif discovery software
MusicStrSeg GPL Unix, MacOS Matlab software for (structural) music segmentation
NACHOS GPL All Nearfield acoustic holography with sparse regularization
PHYSALIS Affero GPL All Physics-driven Cosparse Analysis: code to reproduce the source localization experiments from this paper and more
Sirocco GPL Unix Software platform for large vocabulary speech recognition
SketchMLbox Affero GPL All Matlab toolbox for large-scale mixture learning using sketches
SPro GPL Unix Library and set of tools for audio segmentation (under development)
SMALLbox GPL 3 All Matlab toolbox for processing signals using adaptive sparse structured representations
Topic-segmenter GPL Unix Transcript-based topic segmentation software
SPADE demo and audio examples Affero GPL 3 All SParse Audio DEclipper (Declipping tool)
FAµST INRIA All Toolbox to decompose dense matrix into a product of sparse matrices

Other Resources

Name Type of resource Description
voiceHome Corpus Audio corpus A corpus dedicated to distant-microphone speech processing in domestic environments
voiceHome-2 Corpus Audio corpus A corpus dedicated to distant-microphone speech processing in domestic environments
BASS-dB Database Database for the evaluation of audio source separation algorithms
BL-Database Database French audiovisual database for speech-driven lip animation systems
DEMAND Database Database of multichannel environmental noise recordings
NACHOSDB Database Database for nearfield acoustic holography
Quaero/METISS Music structure annotations Database Semiotic structure annotations of music pieces
Texmix/Modis (Google Chrome only) Demo TEXMEX team demo platform PANAMA contribution : « Audio summary » of TV news report
Séparer le Son du Son Workshop Scientific popularization demo on audio source separation (held during Journée Science et Musique 2014)