Ha Duong PHAN is invited professor of ENS Lyon and UCBL during march-april 2014

Ha Duong PHAN (http://vie.math.ac.vn/~phduong/) from the Institute of Mathematics of the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology will stay in the DANTE team of the LIP, at IXXI, as an invited professor of ENS Lyon and UCBL during march and april 2014. She will give a seminar on “Chip Firing Game: Lattice structure and recognition algorithm” on Tuesday 18th March at 15.00 in ENS Lyon, site Jacques Monod, room 115.

Ha Duong Phan, Institute of Mathematics, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
Tuesday 18th March at 15.00 in ENS Lyon, site Jacques Monod, room 115.

In this talk, I will present the lattice structure of the configuration space of Chip Firing Game – a discrete dynamical model introduced by Dhar (1990) and A. Björner, L. Lovász and W. Shor (1991). The class of lattices generated by Chip Firing Games (CFGs) contains strictly the class of distributive lattice and is strictly included in the class of upper locally distributive lattices (ULD). However a necessary and sufficient criterion for this class is still an open question. We will give such a criterion. This criterion provides a polynomial-time algorithm for constructing a CFG which generates a given lattice if such a CFG exists.