Author's posts

One paper accepted at Transaction of Machine Learning Research

We are glad to announce that the following paper with contributions from the Dante team have been accepted for publication in the Transaction of Machine Learning Research (TMLR) journal: Time Series Alignment with Global Invariances. Titouan Vayer, Romain Tavenard, Laetitia Chapel, Rémi Flamary, Nicolas Courty, Yann Soullard

[Seminar MLSP] Thomas Debarre. Total-Variation-Based Optimization: Theory and Algorithms for Minimal Sparsity

We will receive Thomas Debarre on Thursday 23th September for a seminar. Title : Total-Variation-Based Optimization: Theory and Algorithms for Minimal Sparsity Abstract : The total-variation (TV) norm for measures as a regularizer for continuous-domain inverse problems has been the subject of many recent works, both on the theoretical and algorithmic sides. Its sparsity-promoting effect is now well …

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[Seminar MLSP] Alexandre ARAUJO. Building Compact and Robust Deep Neural Networks with Toeplitz Matrices

We will receive Alexandre ARAUJO on Thursday 1st July for a seminar Title: Building Compact and Robust Deep Neural Networks with Toeplitz Matrices Abstract: Deep neural networks are state-of-the-art in a wide variety of tasks, however, they exhibit important limitations which hinder their use and deployment in real-world applications. When developing and training neural networks, the accuracy should not be …

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Rémi Vaudaine. Contextual anomalies in graphs, detection and explanation

For the MLSP seminars we will receive Rémi Vaudaine, on Thursday 24th June at 3.30pm,  who will talk  about  anomalies detection in graphs: Title: Contextual anomalies in graphs, detection and explanation Abstract: Graph anomaly detection have proved very useful in a wide range of domains. For instance, for detecting anomalous accounts (e.g. bots, terrorists, opinion spammers or social …

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[Seminar MLSP] Pedro Rodrigues. Leveraging Global Parameters for Flow-based Neural Posterior Estimation

Nous recevrons Pedro Rodrigues le Jeudi 25 Février à 10h Title : Leveraging Global Parameters for Flow-based Neural Posterior Estimation Presenter : Pedro L. C. Rodrigues (post-doctorant équipe Parietal, INRIA-Saclay) Inferring the parameters of a stochastic model based on experimental observations is central to the scientific method. A particularly challenging setting is when the model is strongly indeterminate, …

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Julien Fageot. TV- based methods for sparse reconstruction in continuous-domain

Le Lundi 8 Février à 10h30 nous accueillerons Julien Fageot post-doctorant à McGill University qui nous parlera de reconstruction parcimonieuse dans le domaine continu. Title: TV- based methods for sparse reconstruction in continuous-domain Abstract: We consider the problem of reconstructing an unknown function from some finitely many and possibly corrupted linear measurements. This is achieved by considering an optimization task using a sparsity-promoting regularization. More precisely, we consider …

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Mathurin Massias. Fast resolution resolution of structured inverse problems: extrapolation and iterative regularization

This Thursday 14 Jan at we will welcome Mathurin Massias post-doctoral researcher at University of Genova who will present his works on structured inverse problem: Title: Fast resolution resolution of structured inverse problems: extrapolation and iterative regularization Abstract: Overparametrization is common in linear inverse problems, which poses the question of stability and uniqueness of the solution. A remedy is to select a specific solution by …

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