We are located in PCRI (Pôle Commun de Recherche en Informatique)

View of our office building (PCRI). We are located in the rightmost building module, on the 2nd floor.
Snail Mail address (differs from our physical address)
Please, use this address to send us snail mail. Our physical address differs from the one of our mail (see below).
Université Paris-Sud 11
Bâtiment 650 (PCRI)
91405 Orsay Cedex, France
Team Project Leader
name: Ioana Manolescu
email: firstname.lastname@inria.fr
phone: +33 1 72 92 59 20
Team Assistant
name: Maeva Jeannot
email: firstname.lastname@inria.fr
phone: +33 1 74 85 42 30
Physical Address
Our building’s physical address is:
Université Paris-Sud 11
Bâtiment 650 (PCRI)
Rue Noetzlin,91190 Gif-sur-Yvette
From Paris they are basically two way to get to the building :
- Taking RER line B towards Saint-Rémy-lès-Chevreuse, getting off at Massy-Palaiseau then taking a 91.06 bus (either 91.06 B, 91.06 C, never 91.06 A – 91.10 might work: ask the driver if it gets down at the stop) to IUT – Pôle d’Ingénierie and do the last 150m on foot [map]. To find the bus stop from Massy-Palaiseau walk to the front of the train and take the stairs. On the top of the stairs, walk a few steps on your left and go down the stairs on your right. Walk straight forward to the last bus stop [map].
- Taking RER line B towards Saint-Rémy-lès-Chevreuse, getting off at Le Guichet, then either
- take the bus: Once you get out at Le Guichet (coming from Paris or the Parisian airports), cross under the tracks, exit the station, go along the corner and the café, cross the street, go down the stairs, cross again to the bus station [map]. You must take the bus 9. The bus schedules are available here. Get off at “IUT – Pôle d’ingénierie” (first stop). The bus ride is 4 minutes. There are no buses on week-ends, and they tend to be rare outside peak hours.
- come on foot: Coming from Paris, start by crossing the rails by the underground pass. Then, take Rue de Versailles (perpendicular to the rails) in front of the train station for two blocks. Turn left in Rue de la Colline, which goes uphill. When you reach the end of that street (almost at the top), continue right in Chemin du Bois des Rames. Keep going on that direction into Rue Nicolas Appert. Turn left in Rue d’Arsonval and continue until joining Rue Noetzlin. The nearest bus station is “Moulon“. Assume 25-30 minutes walk depending on your walking speed.
Some schedules
Bus 91.06: summer, winter – click on 91.06 A/B or C/D but don’t take the 91.06 A – the dates for summer and winter are written (in french).
Bus 9: summer, winter – the dates for winter and summer changes are provided on the front page after “valable à compter du”