Category: Blog

End-of-the-year dinner in Paris

Many team members and their significant others enjoyed another nice dinner! 🙂 That’s probably it folks for 2015 — best wishes for the next year!

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End-of-the-year lunch at CESFO

Merry Christmas (take one 🙂 we will probably do it again before the year is actually over 🙂 )

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OAK at Big Data Business Convention

OAK has presented some of their research at the Big Data Business Convention in HEC on Nov 24-25, 2015. Stamatis has shown CliqueSquare, and we have talked of many other projects, including graph and RDF analytics and fact-checking!

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Our fact-checking project on the Décodeurs’ blog at Le Monde

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OAK at BDA 2015

We have attended BDA 2015 in Porquerolles, to present our papers, demos, and keynote ! The weather was way below the advertised specification, but still, we got to see the sun in some occasions!

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Our fact-checking work in Le Devoir (Canada)

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Stamatis Zampetakis’ PhD defense

On Monday, we had the pleasure to see one of our colleagues obtaining his PhD degree at the OAK Team. On September 21, Stamatis Zampetakis defended his PhD thesis entitled “Scalable algorithms for cloud-based Semantic Web data management”. After the defense, the attendees enjoyed the pot where Stamatis and his friends prepared several greek specialties. …

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Article on on our fact-checking work

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OAK at VLDB 2015

OAK has been well-represented at the VLDB 2015 conference in Hawaii! Damian with his demo: Melanie and Katerina with theirs: and Sejla with hers: Despite the expectations, there was no volcano erruption, and no tornado, just epical plane changes on the way back 🙂

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Ouest France on our fact-checking work

“Un logiciel pour traquer les bobards des politiques?”, Floriane Le Mélinaire!preferred/1/package/569/pub/570/page/8

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