Author's posts

Ioana’s LaTeX squeezing tips

This is a set of notes I drafted in early 2010 for my students of that time. Current students asked that I blog them here, so here it goes: It is a timeless truth that papers may need squeezing. Below, find a list of basic tricks, which are not subtle but very helpful, and which …

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USA “Big Data” initiative

The White House is launching a  “Big Data is Big Deal” (more formally, “Big Data Research and Development Initiative”), for a total of $200M. Details can be found here and  here. For instance, within, there is the information that DARPA: “intends to invest approximately $25 million annually for four years to develop computational techniques and …

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Welcome to the Oak blog!

Following insistent suggestions within the team, we start an Oak blog, which we will use to share & comment on interesting stories!

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Kuldeep Reddy joins OAK

Kuldeep has arrived for a 6-months internship in the group. He will be working with Zoi, François and Ioana on cloud-based RDF data management.

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DMC 2012: Building Large XML Stores in the Amazon Cloud

Building Large XML Stores in the Amazon Cloud, by Jesús Camacho-Rodríguez, Dario Colazzo and Ioana Manolescu, in the Data Management in the Cloud (DMC) Workshop (collocated with ICDE 2012)

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PhD defense of Wael Khemiri

“Data-intensive interactive workflows for visual analytics” Room 455, PCRI, 2 pm, December 12, 2011 The increasing amounts of electronic data of all forms, produced by humans (e.g. Web pages, structured content such as Wikipedia or the blogosphere etc.) and/or automatic tools (loggers, sensors, Web services, scientific programs or analysis tools etc.) leads to a situation …

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RFIA 2012: Reformulation-based Query Answering in RDF Databases

F. Goasdoué, I. Manolescu and A. Roatis: “Reformulation-based Query Answering in RDF Databases“

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Open Data presentation in the Digiteo forum 2011

The yearly Digiteo Forum was held on October 18. Ioana Manolescu gave a plenary talk on Open Data.

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Leo in the INRIA evaluation seminary

The team has been just presented, not formally evaluated, because at this stage we are only a team and not a project-team. The slides can be found here.

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Ioana Manolescu, Unithé ou café: “Toutes les données du monde en un seul clic”

1er étage, bât. I (labo Inria/ Microsoft Research), Parc Orsay Université Abstract Vous pensez déjà à vos futures vacances au ski, et cherchez un village alliant une altitude moyenne, un bon ensoleillement et des activités pour les enfants ? Du coup, vous voilà obligé de jongler entre les différents tableaux et sites d’informations. Bientôt ce …

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