Puya – Hossein Vahabi: Social media and Blogging

When: Friday, January 16, at 14.00
Where: PCRI building, room 445
Title: Social media and Blogging

The talk will be focused on Social Media and Blogging. In particular I’ll present three different works: 1. A novel approach for as-you-type network-aware top-k keyword search over social media; 2. A novel approach to harness the social community information to discover and model the evolution of topics in social networks using matrix co-factorization; 3. A novel approach to enhance user engagement in online social-network, micro-blogging, and other online platforms.

Short bio:
Puya – Hossein Vahabi is a researcher at Yahoo Labs (2014-Now) working on social media, stream data, and advertising. He got his Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering (2009 – 2012) at the IMT Lucca, Italy. He graduated with a thesis on “Recommendation Techniques for Web Search and Social Media”. The thesis was supervised by Prof. Ricardo Baeza-Yates (Vice President of Research for Europe and Latin America, leading the Yahoo Labs), and Dr. Fabrizio Silvestri (Senior Researcher at Yahoo Labs and Researcher at National Research Council of Italy). Before joining Yahoo, he was involved in several startups on social blogging and social video streaming. In 2010, during his Ph.D., he worked on recommender systems (and massive query log analysis) at Yahoo Labs for a year, and he was also a research associate to the National Council for Research of Italy for three years.

Permanent link to this article: https://team.inria.fr/oak/2015/01/15/puya-hossein-vahabi-social-media-and-blogging/