Evaggelia Pitoura: Diversifying query results and answering historical queries on large graphs

14.00, room 445, PCRI

In this talk, I shall briefly present our recent research on two topics: (a) supporting diversity in query results and (b) managing historical queries on graphs. Diversity has recently attracted a lot of attention as a means of increasing user satisfaction in recommendation systems, information retrieval and database queries. Diversification takes many forms such as increasing novelty and covering different query aspects and user information needs. In our recent research, we have proposed efficient indexing techniques for supporting continuous diversification as well as a new definition of diversity based on graph theory that allows adapting the degree of diversification. In the second part of the talk, I shall touch upon our new work on supporting historical queries on large graphs (e.g., on social networks).

Short bio
Evaggelia Pitoura is an Associate Professor and Vice Chair of the Department of Computer Science, University of Ioannina, Greece where she also leads the Distributed Management of Data Lab. She holds a PhD and an MSc degree in Computer Science from Purdue University. Her research interests are in distributed data management, with a recent focus on social networks and ranking by using preferences and diversity. Her publications include more than 150 articles in international journals and conferences and a highly-cited book on mobile computing. She is the recipient of a Best Paper Award (ICDE 1999), a Marie Currie Fellowship (2009) and two ACM Recognition of Service Awards. She regularly serves on the PC of many highly ranked database conferences and currently as demo PC co-chair for VLDB 2012 and PC co-chair for ICDE 2012. Her research has been supported by national and European funding agencies.

Permanent link to this article: https://team.inria.fr/oak/2012/11/02/evaggelia-pitoura-diversifying-query-results-and-answering-historical-queries-on-large-graphs/