Guillaume BALLIF – PhD student

Guillaume BALLIF

PhD student in probabilities applied to biological systems

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I am currently looking for a post-doctoral position.

Research activity : stochastic multiscale processes in reproductive biology.

I am a third year Phd student working under the supervision of Frédérique Clément and Romain Yvinec. I work at Inria Saclay in the MUSCA team and at INRAE Centre Val de Loire.

My main research interests are probability theory and its application to biology. Concerning mathematical analysis, I focus on studying stochastic processes (such as structured population dynamics or multiscale process) from a probability perspective, for example proving limit theorems or extinction times. I am also interested in numerical simulations of these processes in order to estimate parameters of dynamic models. The biological applications I am working on are cell populations, evolutionary biology and gene expression.


  • Probability and Statistics (TD, 2021/2022, L1 Informatique, IUT d’Orsay)
  • Graphs (TD/TP, 2021/2022, L1 Informatique, IUT d’Orsay)
  • Discrete mathematics (TD/TP, first semester 2020/2021, L1 Informatique, IUT d’Orsay)
  • Algebra (TD/TP, first semester 2020/2021, L1 Informatique, IUT d’Orsay)


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