
Associated team ANACONDA
Theoretical and numerical ANAlysis of CONservation laws for multicellular DynAmics


  • MUSCA : Romain Yvinec (PI), Frédérique Clément, Béatrice Laroche, Marie Haghebaert
  • Université d’Orléans : Magali Ribot, Léo Meyer
  • Université de Picardie Jules Vernes : Erwan Hingant
  • Universidad del Concepcíon : Mauricio Sepúlveda
  • Universidad del Bío-Bío : Luis Miguel Villada Osorio
  • Inria Chile : Luis Martí, Nayat Sánchez Pi

Project overview

The formalism at the heart of our research program is that of structured population dynamics, which are well-suited for describing multicellular dynamics in a compact way. The standard workflow in biological modeling of such objects starts with an individual-based stochastic formalism, specially relevant to represent cellular process such as growth, aging, division and apoptosis. The complexity of both the mathematical and numerical analysis of these stochastic models calls for the use of reduced models, among which partial differential equations (PDEs) of conservation law type are a good intermediate choice, and can be obtained from stochastic models by appropriate functional law of large numbers. The expected added value of the associate team will be to perform the theoretical analysis of PDE models, to design adapted numerical schemes and, whenever relevant, innovative inverse problems strategies, and to apply them in a synergistic way to various cell biology processes. Two main directions will be investigated thanks to the complementarity of the partners: scalar conservation laws and coarsening dynamics for cellular growth processes (WP1), and moving/free-boundary problems for multicellular morphodynamics (WP2).


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