Course on modeling of metabolic and gene regulatory networks, INSA de Lyon (2023-2024)


The objective of the course is to learn about the mathematical modelling of metabolic and gene regulatory networks. The course concerns both theoretical foundations and concrete applications to diverse systems of biological regulation. Applications will rely on the practical use of computer tools for the modelling, analysis and simulation of metabolic and gene regulatory networks.

Course program

Part 1. Systems biology and kinetic modeling (courses)

- September 26, 2023: Introduction to the course, slides, article

- September 26-27, 2023: Kinetic modeling of biochemical reaction networks, slides, article

Part 2. Metabolic network modeling (courses and practical)

- September 27 and October 2, 2023: Metabolic control theory, slides, article

- October 2, 2023: Flux balance analysis, slides, article

- October 3, 2023: Practical on the modeling of metabolic networks using COBRA, hand-out, code, models

Part 3. Gene regulatory network modeling (courses and practical)

- October 9, 2023: Quantitative modeling of gene regulatory networks, slides, article

- October 9-10, 2023: Qualitative modeling of gene regulatory networks, slides, article

- October 10 and 16, 2023: Practical on the modeling of bacterial regulatory networks using MATLAB, handout, models, presentation with answers

- October 17, 2022: Stochastic modeling of gene regulatory networks, slides, article, article


- October 23, 2023: Exam

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