Adrien Lesage
PhD: Multi-scale methods for calculation and optimization of thin structures
Supervisors: Frédéric Legoll, Virginie Ehrlacher, Arthur Lebée
Institutions: Laboratoire Navier and CERMICS, École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées
- (with T. Lelièvre, G. Stoltz and J. Hénin) Smoothed biasing forces yield unbiased free energies with the extended-system adaptive biasing force method, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 121(15), 3676-3685, (2016).
- SMAI 2019, Guidel;
- ICIAM 2019, Valencia.
- 5th workshop on thin structures, 2018, Naples;
- New trends and challenges in the mathematics of optimal design, 2019, Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge.
- Introduction in Optimization, ENPC, 1st year engineering students (2018);
- Basics of Functional Analysis, ENPC, Master DMS (2018,2019);
- Mathematical tools for engineers, ENPC, 1st year engineering students (2019);
- Analysis and Scientific Computing, ENPC, 1st year engineering students (2019).
Curriculum: Eng