Workshop “Protein Aggregation: Biophysics and Mathematics”

From June 6th to June 8th, 2017, a workshop on Protein Aggregation: Biophysics and Mathematics” is held at the University of Vienna, Austria.


This workshop focuses on protein aggregation in various fields of application like amyloid diseases, actin filaments, autophagy. 

The aim of this meeting is to bring together expert and young researchers in these fields working either on biophysics or in mathematical modellings. The reasonable number of talks leaves room for informal scientific discussions between the participants, which is one of the purposes of this meeting.


Confirmed participants

Vincent Béringue, Inra Jouy-en-Josas, France
Alexander Büll, University of Düsseldorf, Germany
Marie Doumic, Inria Paris & WPI, France and Austria

Angélique Egalon, Inra Jouy-en-Josas, France
Klemens Fellner, University of Graz, Austria
Frédéric Halgand, University Paris-Sud, France
Sascha Martens, University of Vienna, Austria
Sara Merino, Imperial College, United Kingdom

Mathieu Mézache, Inria Paris, France

Diane Peurichard, WPI, Vienna, Austria
Laurent Pujo-Menjouet, University of Lyon, France
Human Rezaei, Inra Jouy-en-Josas, France
Christian Schmeiser, Université of Vienna & WPI, Austria
Michael Sixt, Institute of Science and Technology, Vienna, Austria 

Cassandra Terry, UCL Institute of Technology, London, United Kingdom 

Magali Tournus, University of Aix-Marseille, France
Nicola Vettore, University of Düsseldorf, Germany
John Viles, Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom 

Wei-Feng Xue, University of Kent, United Kingdom
Yi Yin, Inria Paris, France
Romain Yvinec, INRA, France

Gabriele Zaffagnini, University of Vienna, France 

Program and abstracts may be found here



Location: OMP 1, Sky Lounge (12th floor) Tue, 6. Jun (Opening: 9:00) – Thu, 8. Jun 17
Fak. Mathematik
Marie Doumic-Jauffret (INRIA & WPI)
Christian Schmeiser (WPI & U. Wien)
Human Rezaei (INRIA, France)
Wei-Feng Xue (Univ. Kent, UK)