Photos from left to right then up to bottom: Luis Almeida, Federica Bubba, Marie Doumic, Gaëtan Vignoud, Jean Clairambault, Jieling Zhao, Markus Schmidtchen, Dirk Drasdo, Julia Delacour, Mathieu Mezache, Cécile della Valle, Pierre-Alexandre Bliman, Adrien Ellis, Alexandre Poulain, Nastassia Pouradier-Duteil, Philippe Robert, Benoît Perthame, Xinran Ruan, Valeria Caliaro, Diane Peurichard
MAMBA aims at developing models, simulations and numerical algorithms to solve questions from life sciences involving dynamics of phenomena encountered in biological systems such as protein intracellular spatio-temporal dynamics, cell motion, early embryonic development, tissue growth and regeneration, cancer evolution, healthy and tumour growth control by pharmacological means, protein polymerisation occurring in neurodegenerative disorders. It is the evolution of the BANG project-team, headed by Benoît Perthame during 11 years (2003-2013).
Data and image analysis, statistical, ODE, PDE, and agent-based approaches are used either individually or in combination, with a strong focus on PDE analysis and agent-based approaches.
Another guideline of our project is to remain close to the most recent questions of experimental biology, to design the models and problems under study as well as the related experiments to be carried out by our collaborators in biology or medicine. In this context, our ongoing collaborations with biologists and physicians, the collaboration with St Antoine Hospital within the Institut Universitaire de Cancérologie of UPMC (IUC, Luis Almeida, Jean Clairambault, Dirk Drasdo, Benoît Perthame, Nicolas Vauchelet) the INRA team headed by Human Rezaei through the ERC Starting Grant SKIPPERAD (Marie Doumic) and the close experimental collaborations that emerged through the former associate team QUANTISS (Dirk Drasdo), particularly at the Leibniz Institute for Working Environment and Human Factors in Dortmund, Germany, are key points in our project.